提供:I Eat Food Tours
所要時間: 4 時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
ライブガイド:英語, イタリア語
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含まれないもの- チップ
- アルコール飲料: ワインカードでさらに€15アップ!
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The Abram led us on a wonderful walking tour, shared a lot of history about and took us to super special places where we could enjoy the best of Turin’s gastronomy!
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Muito obrigado por essas palavras tão especiais! Foi um enorme prazer acompanhar vocês no food tour e compartilhar os sabores únicos de Turin. Saber que vocês aproveitaram os lugares escolhidos e degustaram o melhor da gastronomia da cidade me enche de alegria e orgulho!
Espero que o Google Tradutor tenha feito um bom trabalho com a minha resposta em português-e que consiga transmitir o quanto apreciei a gentileza de vocês. Se um dia voltarem a Torino, ficarei muito feliz em guiá-los novamente para novas aventuras gastronômicas e culturais. Até breve e obrigado mais uma vez!
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Ginevra B
2025年1月 • カップル・夫婦
With I Eat Food Tours, Chef Abram redefines the Turin gastronomic experience. Knowledge, passion and a touch of entertainment make this tour unique.
Every stop was a discovery: authentic places, off the beaten track and welcoming, with refined street food and impeccable wine pairings.
Abram enriches it with stories and curiosities about the city, turning the tour into a cultural as well as a culinary journey.
Conclusion: if you love good food, great wine and a Turin to discover, this is the experience for you. Not to be missed!
Thank you Cecilia and Chef Abram!
Every stop was a discovery: authentic places, off the beaten track and welcoming, with refined street food and impeccable wine pairings.
Abram enriches it with stories and curiosities about the city, turning the tour into a cultural as well as a culinary journey.
Conclusion: if you love good food, great wine and a Turin to discover, this is the experience for you. Not to be missed!
Thank you Cecilia and Chef Abram!
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Wow, Ginevra, che recensione fantastica!
Grazie mille per le tue splendide parole e per aver condiviso la tua esperienza con noi e con la community di viaggiatori del gusto sparsi per il mondo.
Ci riempie il cuore sapere che il nostro “Street Food Tour d’luxe- Turin Gourmet” ha ridefinito per te cosa significa un tour gastronomico perfetto! (Peraltro, detto da una bolognese, lo prendiamo come un doppio complimento ;)
È stato un vero piacere portarvi alla scoperta delle gemme culinarie più autentiche della nostra squisita e bellissima Torino, condividendo storie accattivanti che danno vita alla ricca cultura gastronomica di questa città.
Sapere che l’esperienza vi ha reso felici, e ha portato anche alla memoria ricordi d’infanzia, nella cucina della nonna (grazie di aver condiviso!) è quello che più rende felici anche noi. È, in effetti la prima, vera e più importante missione che ci proponiamo (a questo proposito, ci piace definirci come Purveyors of Edible Joy ;)
Da parte mia e di Cecilia, grazie ancora di tutto e non vediamo l’ora di riavere te e Magnus di nuovo con noi per altre avventure tra le strade e i sapori di Torino. C’è sempre qualcosa di nuovo da scoprire e da gustare!
Fino ad allora, buon tutto e grazie di cuore!
Chef Abram e Cecilia
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Kristen S
リティア, フロリダ州12件の投稿
Abram was spectacular! He made this a very special experience and as a surprise, started off the tour in a very interesting way! He is Michelin-trained chef so his perspective is very interesting. Phenomenal evening, I just wish we had done it first when we arrived in Torino because there were a lot of places I would have liked to have had the time to go back to.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Wow, Kristen!
What an incredible review-thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed the surprise kick-off: starting things off with a little twist is just my way of saying, ‘Buckle up, your taste buds are in for a ride!’ ;)
As for my background, for me it’s all about showing you Turin’s culinary scene through a chef’s lens, with all the love and obsession for detail that goes into every bite. I couldn’t have wished for a better way to share both my passion and knowledge than this one: running food tours is stunning for someone who is in love with Torino and its food scene like me! (And now also you, right?).
Thanks again for booking with us!
I’m only sorry we didn’t meet sooner so you’d have time to double back to your favorite spots, but hey, that’s what a return visit is for, right? Next time, we’ll make it a full-blown food marathon (stamina optional).
Cheers to more phenomenal evenings, amazing flavors, and the best company!
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Madeleine B
Walnut Creek, California, United States11件の投稿
2024年12月 • ファミリー
This was one of the best tours we have done anywhere. If you're a foodie looking to explore Italy's rich culinary heritage, a food tour with Chef Abram is an experience not to be missed! From the moment the tour begins, it's clear that Chef Abram is not just a guide but a passionate ambassador of Italian food culture.
At each stop we had generous tastings of various foods from many regions, not just Piedmont.
We walked quite a bit from one restaurant to another- that was a good thing. The food was plentiful and it was nice to get some exercise in between. Abram told us a lot about the history of Turin along the way.
We would love to take a cooking class from him at some point.
Chef Abram is personable, knowledgeable and a wonderful guide. We HIGHLY recommend this experience.
At each stop we had generous tastings of various foods from many regions, not just Piedmont.
We walked quite a bit from one restaurant to another- that was a good thing. The food was plentiful and it was nice to get some exercise in between. Abram told us a lot about the history of Turin along the way.
We would love to take a cooking class from him at some point.
Chef Abram is personable, knowledgeable and a wonderful guide. We HIGHLY recommend this experience.
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Hi Madeleine!
Grazie mille for your glowing review! It fills my heart with joy to hear that this was one of the best tours you’ve experienced anywhere: that’s awesome! 🙌
Exploring Italy’s, and especially Turin’s, rich culinary heritage with passionate food lovers like you is exactly why I love what I do. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the tastings from regions across Italy and appreciated the balance of walking through Turin’s charming streets—it truly is the perfect way to savour the local flavours and absorb the vibes.
It would be an absolute pleasure to share even more hands-on Italian cooking traditions with you at some point, and have you in for one of my cooking classes.
Thank you for recommending our food tour to fellow foodies and adventure seekers. For anyone looking for a food-focused, immersive experience in Turin, rich with culture, fun, and delicious discoveries, I’d be delighted to host them through this scrumptious and charming Italian city.
Thanks again for choosing our husband&wife locally business. Wishing you a happy new year!
🥂 Cheers,
Chef Abram
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Lylle M
During our culinary adventure in Turin, we had the opportunity to explore the city's rich gastronomic landscape with chef Abram. The experience was not only fun but also enlightening, as you delved into the authentic flavors that define the region.
The chef likely shared some insider tips on preparing this classic dish, such as the importance of using high-quality products like ‘Slow food’ farmer to table experience.
It was not just about tasting these dishes but also about learning the stories and traditions behind them, making it a holistic culinary journey. Whether it was the chef's anecdotes, the ambiance of the local restaurants, or simply the joy of sharing good food, every moment added to the richness of the experience.
Overall, our tour through Turin's authentic foods was a delightful combination of taste, knowledge, and enjoyment, leaving you with memorable flavors and perhaps even a desire to recreate these dishes at home. THANKS ABRAM!!!
The chef likely shared some insider tips on preparing this classic dish, such as the importance of using high-quality products like ‘Slow food’ farmer to table experience.
It was not just about tasting these dishes but also about learning the stories and traditions behind them, making it a holistic culinary journey. Whether it was the chef's anecdotes, the ambiance of the local restaurants, or simply the joy of sharing good food, every moment added to the richness of the experience.
Overall, our tour through Turin's authentic foods was a delightful combination of taste, knowledge, and enjoyment, leaving you with memorable flavors and perhaps even a desire to recreate these dishes at home. THANKS ABRAM!!!
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What a heartfelt review…thank you so much, Lylle!!!
Honestly, from the very first moment we met, it felt like reconnecting with old friends. The energy, laughter, and genuine curiosity for Turin food culture you brought to our food adventure together made it such a special day for me too.
Exploring Turin’s culinary treasures with you wasn’t just a journey through flavors, but a celebration of culture, tradition, and connection.
I’ll truly treasure the amazing vibes and memories we created together. Thanks so much again for visiting Turin and choosing our food tour!
Here’s to more shared stories, more laughter, and always good food! Panama is lucky to have such wonderful food lovers, and Turin, and myself, of course, will always be ready to welcome you back. Grazie mille!
Best wishes for a joyful Festive Week to you all and until we meet again.
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Cher F
2024年11月 • カップル・夫婦
Whenever we visit a new country, we have a tradition of booking a food or wine tour on our first evening. For our trip to Turin, we chose a private street food tour with Abram—and what a fabulous evening it turned out to be!
Abram introduced us to many Piedmontese and Italian specialties—hazelnuts, chocolate, panettone, hazelnut cream, gelato, spectacular focaccia pizza, and so much more. With great humor and kindness, he shared fascinating stories about the area's history, customs, and the evolution of these delicacies.
Thanks to Abram's wonderful hospitality, we found ourselves returning to the same gelato shop each afternoon and making a repeat visit to that fabulous focacceria!
Abram introduced us to many Piedmontese and Italian specialties—hazelnuts, chocolate, panettone, hazelnut cream, gelato, spectacular focaccia pizza, and so much more. With great humor and kindness, he shared fascinating stories about the area's history, customs, and the evolution of these delicacies.
Thanks to Abram's wonderful hospitality, we found ourselves returning to the same gelato shop each afternoon and making a repeat visit to that fabulous focacceria!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Wow!🤩 Thank you so much for this amazing review!!!
It means a lot to hear that our culinary evening together left such a great impression and that our food tour has officially entered in your travel tradition :)
I’m also thrilled you got to dive into so many local specialties and that they became part of your Turin experience (… and that you kept going back to the gelato&focacceria: such good choices, aren’t they? ;)
I also appreciate how you fully soaked up the moment, without taking pictures but still collecting some tasteful and happy memories to bring home and to treasure until it’s time to refill them with some more Turin gastronomic magic :D
When the moment will come, I would love to share with you other favourite foodies spots of mine.
Meanwhile, grazie mille again for an evening that I truly much enjoyed myself, too.
Wishing you many more delicious adventures, and a joyful Christmas!
Thanks for everything!
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Katia O
ブラジリア, ブラジル61件の投稿
It is an excellent opportunity for a multi sensory evening, with good conversation and different flavors. Certainly, unforgettable.
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Olà Katia!
Muito obrigado por suas palavras tão gentis! Fico extremamente feliz em saber que a experiência foi inesquecível para vocês. Foi um prazer enorme poder compartilhar essa noite cheia de sabores, boas conversas e momentos especiais pelas ruas de Turin!
I really hope that Google Translate did a good job conveying my gratitude and happiness for your amazing review -btw, with quite a charming Portuguese title, must admit :D
You guys are always welcome for more delightful moments of togetherness, feasting around the table the Italian way in gorgeous and tasteful Torino ;)
Thanks again for choosing our food tour and taking time to leave this positive note.
Cheers, Tchau!
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ダラス, テキサス州81件の投稿
2024年10月 • 友達
Hands down - one of the best food tours we've taken anywhere ....and we have taken many food tours in various cities! Our guide, Cecilia was AMAZING! Her energy, love of her city and food was outstanding! Her and her husband have crafted the perfect mix of eating, drinking and information! Each stop had unique food to eat as she explains about the food and relevance to the area. The number of stops and what you taste are all perfect. You do NOT go away hungry at all! You are treated like a VIP. Even later - several hours after the tour, I texted Cecilia for a restaurant recommendation near Piazza San Carlo and she wrote back with place to go (that was excellent) within minutes! Our whole group had the best time - we started as a group of strangers plus Cecilia but went away ALL friends!
Cecilia - Grazie mille for making it one of the best days of our trip!
Cecilia - Grazie mille for making it one of the best days of our trip!
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Oh my goodness, Thank You SO MUCH for this heartwarming review!
I’m truly touched by your kind words, dear Pat.
Being able to share my love for Turin’s food and local culture with people like you is an absolute joy and a big reason why I love what I do.
I feel so grateful that our paths crossed, and it’s wonderful to hear that you felt like VIPs: as a matter of fact, I try to make every guest feel special and like friends by the end! :)
The connections made during these foodies tours, the laughter, and the shared experiences are what make each day unique.
I'm thrilled that our carefully chosen stops and flavors left you satisfied and eager to discover more of Turin’s culinary treasures.
And I’m so happy my restaurant suggestion later in the day hit the mark! ;)
Grazie mille for letting me be part of such a memorable day on your trip.
Turin is now a little brighter with new friends like you, my goodesses of great food and wines! :)
Looking forward to welcoming you back anytime- there’s always more to taste and explore!
Meantime, say hello to adorable and delightful Grapevine and, of course, cheers to many more food and wine adventures and friendship born around the table!
Best wishes,
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david s w
2024年10月 • カップル・夫婦
Abram was a fantastic guide. His knowledge of food & wine as well as their relationship to the history of Torino was outstanding. All places visited were unique experiences with a real local vibe. One of our best of many food tours.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Ciao, David!
Thanks a lot for such a thoughtful review and for sharing your experience!
It’s always special to introduce food lovers and explorers to Torino’s rich food and wine history and show how deeply its connected into the city’s life style.
One of my goal is to give you a true local food experience, so knowing that you felt that from the places we visited means a lot!
Not to mention that hearing our food tour was one of the best food tours you have joined by far makes me super happy and truly thankful!
I hope it stays with you as it will with me and to see you again in the future for another delightful taste of Torino!
Grazie mille again and cheers to many more food discoveries around the world.
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
We can hardly believe our fortune to have spent quality spacious time with a brilliant and fascinating chef. He introduced us to the best of Torino. After tasting the best, and understanding the ingredients and process from the mind of a celebrated chef, my mindset is forever changed! I thought I was already part of the slow food movement, but my mind is now blown.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Wow, wow, wow! Your words truly moved me!
I cannot express how much it means to know that our time together in Turin had such a profound impact on you.
As a chef - and a local food ambassador - there is nothing more fullfilling than sharing my passion for food, that truly connects us, the slow food movement - a R-Evolutionary Movement, ad the unique flavours of this beautiful city I am lucky enough to call home now.
To hear that our food journey has forever changed your perspective is an honour I don’t take it lightly.
I would really love to know what’s the name of the foodie who has joined me behind this wonderful review - to personally thank you for this incredibly meaningful feedback.
Thanks again so much for sharing your experience and for allowing me to be a part of your food exploration in Torino!
Hope to see you for more at some point.
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I would like to make a resevation for 4 pepole on 13/9 but somehow the unswer is there a mistake, can you help me please?
I would definitely contact Street Food Tour D'luxe directly. Abram is the owner's name (and was our guide). I'm sure he will help you.
Hi Cecilia,
We are travelling to Turin on the 9th and 10th of October and we would like to see if the tour is available for 2 people,
Many thanks for your reply
Hi Cecelia,
We are traveling to Turin June 16-18th and would love to book a food tour with you. We are a family of 4, with two teenagers- 19 and 15. We did this in Roma and we loved it! Possible for Monday 17th June? We are happy to be joined by others or alone.
Thank you, from Switzerland,
Jane and family
Can this be taken as a private tour for our group of ten including children? What would be the rates for children and if the wine will be limited to only to two persons in the group? We are interested to take the tour on Tuesday of this week. Regards
Dear Patrizia,
thank you for reaching out to I Eat Food Tours.
We're sorry, our tours run only in English. On request, for private groups, also in Italian and Dutch. Not yet in German language.
However, we are at your disposal in case you would like to book this experience.
Kindest Regards.
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