エトナ山頂 3000 m ケーブルカーが含まれます
エトナ山頂 3000 m ケーブルカーが含まれます
提供:Etna Est
所要時間: 6 時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
ライブガイド:英語, イタリア語
- アルプスまたは火山ガイド
- トレッキングシューズ
- ケーブルカー往復チケット
含まれないもの- ホテルのピックアップとドロップオフ
- 食べ物や飲み物
- 出発場所:
- La Terrazza Dell'Etna, Etna Sud, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 95030 Nicolosi CT, ItalyLa Terrazza Dell'Etna、エトナ南、ヴィットリオ エマヌエーレ広場、ニコロージ、カターニア大都市、イタリア
終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす非対応
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- Etna Sud, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 95030 Nicolosi CT, ItalyLa Terrazza Dell'Etna、エトナ南、ヴィットリオ エマヌエーレ広場、ニコロージ、カターニア大都市、イタリア
- 1バー/レストラン「テラッツァ デレトナ」のすぐ近くにあるデスクで午前 8:30 に集合 火山学/アルプスのガイドが、ブリーフィングの後、ケーブルカー (往復チケット 50 ユーロ込み) までご案内し、標高 2500 メートルまで登り始めます 火山砂の延長部、古い溶岩流と最近の溶岩流を通り、標高 3000 メートルまでトレッキングを開始します サミット クレーターの麓に到着すると、世界でも類を見ない印象的な景色が広がります。ここから、この素晴らしい火山の偉大さを感じることができます 標高 2500 メートルに向かって下山し、昼食休憩(昼食代は含まれていません)を取り、標高 2700 メートルにあるまだ噴煙を上げている 2001 年の火口を訪れます その後、出発点に戻って遠足は終了します
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Andrea E.
A few words to describe a beautiful experience like this. Excellent accompaniment by Luca. Starting from Piano Provenzana we first headed to the observatory and then descended along the craters dating back to the volcanic activities of 1947 and 2002. The Guide was able to show us with extreme passion and professionalism all the characteristics of the different volcanic activities. Recommended experience as well as the guides of Etna East.
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Thomas H
2024年6月 • カップル・夫婦
Excellent excursion in the company of Mario, the French guide was not planned but Mario did what was necessary to give us explanations in French. We had some eruptions live which was great
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Make Antwerp Great Again - City Guide
アントワープ, ベルギー23件の投稿
A varied excursion with the Jeep and on foot. Dario was our excellent guide with a high level of knowledge about the fauna and flora of Etna.
You don't go to the top of Etna. But the walk through the moonscape is spectacular. Ask for guide Dario!
You don't go to the top of Etna. But the walk through the moonscape is spectacular. Ask for guide Dario!
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サンダーベイ, カナダ10件の投稿
2023年10月 • カップル・夫婦
We left from the tour office in a bus . They informed us it was going to be too windy to use the gondola but would take us up with a smaller bus to the top. It was very cold up there so make sure you have a winter jacket and pants with long socks bc the sand blasted at you . I rented a coat for $5 which was good. When we got to the top we had a very small explanation about the volcano bc it was so cold and windy. We stayed for 10 min bc it was so cold and had wine in a restaurant below.
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トロント, カナダ92件の投稿
2023年10月 • ファミリー
Amazing and breathtaking experience. Very organised and excellent communication beforehand. Our guide Gueseepo was excellent and funny. You have to try it to really appreciate it. 100% recommended
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Mª Carmen A
2023年9月 • ファミリー
It is a unique experience. We climbed to 3000 m. It is the closest you can get to the main craters and it is necessary to go up with a guide.
There are many companies that offer guided tours, but be careful because the price does not include the phone line (50 euros) and not the 4x4 vehicle that will take you to the highest part (28 euros).
We went to the base on the south face of Etna, there is a parking lot and the funicular as well as many companies that offer different tours.
We directly hired the phone, the 4x4 vehicle and a guide there, it cost us 78 euros per person, you can also choose to pay the phone (50 euros) and climb on foot to 2950m, although this option does not include the guide.
And there are even people who climb from the parking lot to the highest craters on foot, but you need to be well equipped, be in shape and spend several hours.
Hiring the guide was a success, because they are experts, they explain everything very well and make you enjoy the visit much more, even though few speak Spanish.
The landscape and views are impressive.
We were able to see the flow of the last eruption, the one that occurred from August 13 to 15 of this year (barely 15 days ago when we went)
You realize the power of nature and you feel very, very small.
I recommend, even if it is summer, to be prepared with warm clothing and good footwear, the wind is strong up there, and the temperatures drop a lot. Climbing Etna is a unique experience.
There are many companies that offer guided tours, but be careful because the price does not include the phone line (50 euros) and not the 4x4 vehicle that will take you to the highest part (28 euros).
We went to the base on the south face of Etna, there is a parking lot and the funicular as well as many companies that offer different tours.
We directly hired the phone, the 4x4 vehicle and a guide there, it cost us 78 euros per person, you can also choose to pay the phone (50 euros) and climb on foot to 2950m, although this option does not include the guide.
And there are even people who climb from the parking lot to the highest craters on foot, but you need to be well equipped, be in shape and spend several hours.
Hiring the guide was a success, because they are experts, they explain everything very well and make you enjoy the visit much more, even though few speak Spanish.
The landscape and views are impressive.
We were able to see the flow of the last eruption, the one that occurred from August 13 to 15 of this year (barely 15 days ago when we went)
You realize the power of nature and you feel very, very small.
I recommend, even if it is summer, to be prepared with warm clothing and good footwear, the wind is strong up there, and the temperatures drop a lot. Climbing Etna is a unique experience.
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It was an incredible experience, breathtakingly beautiful.
We were at the top of the craters and it was very impressive how suddenly the play of colors spread out after the barren monsoon landscape and the mountain seemed alive.
Luca, our guide, was very, very nice. Thank you Luca!
I have to say, though, that we as a group agreed to change the tour because the conditions were good. After the cable car, we took jeep buses to go further up, which cost an extra 28, and it was worth it! It's already time and effort enough to get up. We met at 8.15/8.30 and didn't get back down until just before 4 p.m.
All in all, I would definitely book a tour and not go on your own, you shouldn't go up there without a guide and you'll be told to turn back because it can be dangerous.
I definitely recommend it!
(It was a bit strenuous for my 13-year-old son...)
We were at the top of the craters and it was very impressive how suddenly the play of colors spread out after the barren monsoon landscape and the mountain seemed alive.
Luca, our guide, was very, very nice. Thank you Luca!
I have to say, though, that we as a group agreed to change the tour because the conditions were good. After the cable car, we took jeep buses to go further up, which cost an extra 28, and it was worth it! It's already time and effort enough to get up. We met at 8.15/8.30 and didn't get back down until just before 4 p.m.
All in all, I would definitely book a tour and not go on your own, you shouldn't go up there without a guide and you'll be told to turn back because it can be dangerous.
I definitely recommend it!
(It was a bit strenuous for my 13-year-old son...)
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フィレンツェ, イタリア21件の投稿
2023年7月 • 一人
L’esperienza alle Gole dell’Alcantara e la grotta di colata lavica con camminata sui crateri a piedi dellEtna è stata stupenda, il gruppo fantastico e la guida Elia, bravissimo e professionale. Un esperienza che consiglio vivamente. E già la 2 volta che faccio un tour con loro. Eccezionali grazie
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ザグレブ, クロアチア10件の投稿
2023年6月 • 一人
A fantastic experience and a special experience to walk through part of the mountain and see the power of nature, all with the excellent guide Luca, who managed to transfer his passion and knowledge to all of us in the group. Top recommendation.
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West Chester63件の投稿
To be fair, if I had to rate ONLY the views from the summit, it would be 5 stars. The poor review is for the guide, Luca, and the other aspects below. There was a second guide, Ellie, but we had no interaction as he only spoke to the Italian speakers.
Issues: 1. Summit was “forbidden today due to conditions” - sign at base. Luca took us anyway. 2. Both guides Stayed in FRONT of group 90% of time, not one in back to ensure guests ok. 3. No prep as to terrain either up or down, severe wind on ridge, or literally sliding (“skiing powder”) down loose sand for 1000 feet. 3. No asking if fit hikers or any med issues 4. Scoffed at Q re: poles yet used them himself 5. Scoffed at Q about mask for sulphuric wind but at times used gator himself 6. Loaner Boots worn out and terrible - felt every pebble 7. Lame, minimal narrative.
I’ve hiked in Nepal, all over US, other parts of Italy, Greece, etc. My wife and I can hike with the best of them, and have never ever complained about terrain, guides, difficultly, etc. This was the only truly poor experience. Perhaps Etna Est has much better guides and can offer a better experience - would just check it's not Luca.
October 29, 2022
Issues: 1. Summit was “forbidden today due to conditions” - sign at base. Luca took us anyway. 2. Both guides Stayed in FRONT of group 90% of time, not one in back to ensure guests ok. 3. No prep as to terrain either up or down, severe wind on ridge, or literally sliding (“skiing powder”) down loose sand for 1000 feet. 3. No asking if fit hikers or any med issues 4. Scoffed at Q re: poles yet used them himself 5. Scoffed at Q about mask for sulphuric wind but at times used gator himself 6. Loaner Boots worn out and terrible - felt every pebble 7. Lame, minimal narrative.
I’ve hiked in Nepal, all over US, other parts of Italy, Greece, etc. My wife and I can hike with the best of them, and have never ever complained about terrain, guides, difficultly, etc. This was the only truly poor experience. Perhaps Etna Est has much better guides and can offer a better experience - would just check it's not Luca.
October 29, 2022
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Dear traveler, you seem to be doing an unjustified and probably premeditated attack!
1. During the briefing, the guide asked if it was okay for you to pass the limit imposed in the south side (as in the north one it has been lifted) because at the moment the volcano has the green code (so there’s no danger);
2. It’s not true that the guides left you behind and led the way in the front, one of them even built some totems (little pyramids made of rocks) to indicate the path and costantly went back and forth;
3. If your trekking experiences in Nepal, US and in all world were true, you would’ve known that mountain paths are usually composed by ups and downs. In the morning Luca, the guide, specifically told you that, due to the strong wind, he couldn’t explain on the summit but would have explained everything once you came down.
4. Just like what’s written on the GetYourGuide schedule, this excursion is:
“Not suitable for
Pregnant women
People with mobility impairments
People with heart problems
People with vertigo
People with respiratory issues
Children under 10 years”
5. As for the sticks and the mask, I’m sorry if you mistook smiles of courtesy as mockery.
6. If the shoes were in that bad of a condition, you could have just told the guide and he would have given you different ones. (But how come that you didn’t have yours since you have experiences of trekking all over the world?)
7. In over 1073 reviews (with an average of 4.8 stars out of 5), 90% of them are referred to Luca, for example:
- “Magnificent experience an 18th birthday gift experience with my daughter… We loved it… It was extremely well organized, a profound experience on many levels… the views were sensational! Our guide Luca was brilliant… very encouraging, extremely knowledgeable, and we felt we were in the presence of a true professional…it was challenging, deeply rewarding, and a tick on our bucket lists! Highly recommend Etna est/Get your Guide FYI…definitely take the offered pole! We bought our own walking boots, but you can get them at the meeting point. You need layers, and everything recommended on the site! I would take 2 hats (one thermal) gloves & a “neck snood” in your back pack. Also we took tissues, boiled sweets (as it gets dry in areas) and we took 3 litres each of water! It was a beautiful stunning sunny October day, and a brisk wind further up! Absolutely incredible experience” (5 stars)
- “Luca was a great guide as he slowly and patiently led a large group of people with differing hiking skills across cooled lava flows and down scree. The changing landscape was magnificent and Luca informed us of so much. We felt safe with the guide as he had access to information about the vagaries of the magnificent Mt Etna.” (5 stars)
- “The guide, Luca, was great and very reliable! He took all the measurements for our safety and his explanations about the Etna and vulcania were amazing! It was a beautiful experience!” (5 stars)
- “Luca was an amazing guide, his knowledge and experience was second to none, would highly recommend.” (5 stars)
**There’s nothing else needed**
Finocchiaro Carmelo
Owner of Etna est
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Because the volcano is active right now, and the max altitude that we can reach is 2750m, do you still provide a hike? How different is it?
Thank you
Nous sommes intéressés par l'ascension de l'Etna, mais nous n'avons pas la place dans nos bagages pour prendre des chaussures de marche. Les chaussures de marche sont-elles obligatoires ? Est-ce-que de bonnes baskets peuvent faire l'affaire ?
Bonjour, nous serions intéressé par l'excursion au sommet de l’Etna, néanmoins je souhaiterais avoir une réponse. Faut il en plus des 35 euro acheter un ticket de téléphérique?
Oui tout à fait, mais en fonction de l'activité volcanique, certain endroit sont inaccessible et réservés uniquement aux vulcanologue et scientifique.
Nous avons pu monter à plus de 3000 mètres sur les bords de différents cratères avec beaucoup d'émanation de souffre et même assister à une explosion.
Même en été, penser à prendre des vêtements chaud, bonnet et gants.
Quanto costa il biglietto della funivia? Vedo che non è compreso
Hi, is the price of 32 Euros inclusive of all the cost and the cable car price. Also can walking Sandie’s be worn please?
I am debating between two tours on offer: the etna summit excursion (32.20) and the etna morning trip (50.60). putting aside the difference in price it seems to me that the etna summit excursion may be more interesting as one goes higher on the mountain and take the cable car back down. that said, I could be missing something in the description. is the trek up the mountain particularly strenuous for someone in average shape? looking to go in early September. thanks for any clarification you might provide. d
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