カオラック:シミラン諸島への素晴らしいアンダマン シュノーケリング ツアー
カオラック:シミラン諸島への素晴らしいアンダマン シュノーケリング ツアー
提供:Wow Andaman
所要時間: 8時間 30分
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- ホテル往復送迎
- コーヒーと軽い朝食
- 飲料水、ソフトドリンク、コーヒー、紅茶&新鮮な果物
- 旅行後のランチボックスと軽食
- シュノーケリング用具、ライフジャケット、ビーチタオル
- プロフェッショナル向け英語ガイド
- 基本災害保険
- 国立公園への入場料
- 入場:Similan Islands
含まれないもの- チップ
- 出発場所:複数の送迎場所があります。
- Wow Andaman Pier, 60/6 หมู่ 5 ลำแก่น Amphoe Thai Mueang, Chang Wat Phang-nga 82210, Thailand出発予定時刻の45分前にカオラックのワウアンダマン桟橋(タップラム桟橋)に集合。
送迎の詳細- カオラックのホテルからお迎えに行きます。 正確なお迎え時間は、ご予約完了後にメールでお知らせいたします。 ナタイ島、タイムアン島、コークロイ島のホテルにご宿泊の場合、お一人様300バーツの追加料金がかかります。 各ゾーンのピックアップ時間: •バンニアンビーチ: 07:45 - 08:00 •バンサクビーチ: 07:15 - 07:30 • ブリザ: 08:15 - 08:30 •エメラルド: 08:15 - 08:30 • クック・カック・ビーチ: 07:30 - 07:45 • レム・パカラン: 07:30 - 07:45 • マーリン: 08:15 - 08:30 •ナムケム桟橋: 07:00 •ナントーンビーチ: 08:00 - 08:15
ホテル送迎サービスあり決済時に、対象となるホテルのリストから選択できます。港の送迎サービスあり決済時に、対象となる港のリストから選択できます。- Wow Andaman Pier, 60/6 หมู่ 5 ลำแก่น Amphoe Thai Mueang, Chang Wat Phang-nga 82210, Thailand
終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす非対応
アクセシビリティについてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。9574P493- 予約時に確認メールをお送りします
- 予約を確認するために、すべての旅行者のパスポート ID ページのコピーをお送りいただくことが非常に重要です。旅行が始まる前に、この情報をタイ海事局に送信する必要があります。秘密厳守で厳重に管理いたします。また、パスポートのデジタル写真を携帯電話に保存するか、パスポートのコピーを旅行に持参してください。
- 腰痛のある方にはおすすめしません
- 妊娠中の方にはおすすめしません
- 心疾患や、その他の重大な疾患がある方は参加できません
- ほとんどの方が参加できます
- ツアープログラムは、天候や海の状況により変更される場合があります
- この体験は、好天時にのみ催行されます。 悪天候のためキャンセルとなった場合、別の日程での参加または全額返金の対象となります
- この体験には、最少催行人数が設定されています。 最少催行人数が揃わずキャンセルとなった場合は、別の日程/体験での参加または全額返金の対象となります
- このツアー/アクティビティの最大催行人数は40名です
- すべての販売は最終的なものと見なされ、100%のキャンセル料が発生します。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。9574P493
- 1
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- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8通過Similan Islands National Park
- tamumsan0件の投稿時間をかけて行くだけの価値のあるツアーですスリン諸島のツアーに参加しました。パドンビーチから陸路で2時間走り、港から1時間45分くらいかかります。プーケットのツアーの中ではハードなほうです。最初に現地の人達が生活する島を訪問先します。そのあとにシュノーケリングしてから上陸してランチです。なかなかおいしいです。午後から2本シュノーケリングをします。その日のコンディションによって決めるようです。ひさびさに元気な珊瑚を見ることができました。 帰りは風の影響で波が高く、バウンドしながらのハードな航海でした。投稿日:2019年5月3日
- 星の王子様0件の投稿アンダマン海に浮かぶシミラン諸島へ!満悦のDayTrip!シミラン諸島へ行きたくてカオラックに宿泊。日本では予約せず、カオラックに着いてから地元の旅行代理店(ビーチ沿い隣にあった)に。勧められたのが WOW ANDAMAN社、オールインクルーシブ(国立公園入場料、送迎、朝食ビッフェ、シュノーケルレンタル、ランチビッフェ、スピードボート内飲料・スナック、シュノーケル後のタオル、但しビール等アルコールはなし)。料金はカオラックから@3500TB(プーケットから@3900TB)、気持ちよくディスカウントの提示有、決定。ホテルを出るとき財布は不要ですが。乗船時に撮った写真を帰りに買うには200TB必要。 WOWではスリン島行、タチャイ島行のDayTripも催行してました。 シミラン諸島へのDayTrip旅程 8:00 ホテル・ピックアップ(カオラックの南側のホテルで港に近く、遅いピックアップでホテルでゆっくり朝食。) 8:20 WOW専用埠頭にて受付(バウチャーを渡しグループ(ボート)分けの手首ゴムバンドをもらう。) 9:00頃、ツアーガイド(グループ別)によるブリーフィング。 9:30頃、出発(履物を残して、素足で乗船。シミラン行は5艇、乗ったスピードボートも35人程の満席状態。) 1時間半でシミラン到着後、2島(№4、№8)に上陸、2か所にてシュノーケル 12:00頃、№8島にてランチビュフェ。 15:00頃、帰路 16:30頃、埠頭着、ちょっとした料理、アイスクリームの用意あり。シャワールームも有。一息ついてから帰りのバスに。 17:20頃、ホテル着。 ほんとに効率よく運用されており、英語が分からなくてもグループの動きを見ていればOK。ビューポイントのバランシングロックへは素足でもあり上るのは遠慮しましたが、ホワイトサンドの砂浜とコントラスをなすマリンブルーの海に満足です。投稿日:2017年3月20日
これらの口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。トリップアドバイザーでは、業界有数のトラスト&セーフティ基準の一環として、口コミの確認を実施しています。詳しくは、透明性に関するレポートをご覧ください。
Google提供の翻訳を含む場合があります。 Googleは、明示または黙示を問わず、正確性や信頼性の保証のほか、商品適格性、特定の目的への適合性、および偽造の排除に関する黙示の保証を含め、かかる翻訳に関連する一切の保証責任を否認するものとします。
Adam M
A good day, but not without it's inconsistencies and slight lack of organisation.
If you are hoping for a good few hours of snorkeling, this is not the trip for you. This should probably be advertised as a 'relaxing beach trip to Similans with snorkeling'. The morning was in my view the most unorganised. I was advised pick up was between 6 30 and 6 45 in the morning so left my room at 6 30. The driver asked reception to call my room only to wake my 10 month old baby! I would have understood if we were running late but having arrived at the pier at 7 15 and proceeded to ask the wow Andaman team what time we would depart (expecting in the next 30 mins after intros etc) I was told 8 30 which then went to 8 55. Incredibly frustrating, just be honest with your customers with timings wow Andaman.
The boat ride was very manageable and I do not agree with reviews pointing out uncomfortable seats. Yes it's choppy and yes it's a fairly long ride at 90 mins, but it is a fair way away. I fell asleep (most did!) on the way back.
The visits to islands 4 and 8 seemed to be well organised and timings were given to be back at the boat. With this being advertised as a snorkeling day but with only 90 minutes being snorkeling doesn't leave a great taste in the mouth. Lunch however was pretty good if you're not a fussy eater and was in a well set up environment on island 8.
I needed to be back at my hotel at 6 latest and I asked the provider if this was okay and if not can I pay for a private transfer. They assured me I would be back at my hotel between 5 30 and 6 in the evening. When we arrived back to the pier I was advised the cars weren't leaving until 5 45! Again, just be honest as I would have happily paid for a private transfer or cab but now I feel I have just been deceived to get me to confirm my booking..
Arguably for the price of c 75£ I probably would have expected a little more in terms of actual snorkeling. General experience was goof though the crowds are real, fortunately the staff were very good and had a lot of snacks and drinks in hand to give out.
If you are looking to see the similans and not overly fussed about the amount of snorkeling, this trip could fit you, but I was looking for plenty more snorkeling opportunities than were given.
If you are hoping for a good few hours of snorkeling, this is not the trip for you. This should probably be advertised as a 'relaxing beach trip to Similans with snorkeling'. The morning was in my view the most unorganised. I was advised pick up was between 6 30 and 6 45 in the morning so left my room at 6 30. The driver asked reception to call my room only to wake my 10 month old baby! I would have understood if we were running late but having arrived at the pier at 7 15 and proceeded to ask the wow Andaman team what time we would depart (expecting in the next 30 mins after intros etc) I was told 8 30 which then went to 8 55. Incredibly frustrating, just be honest with your customers with timings wow Andaman.
The boat ride was very manageable and I do not agree with reviews pointing out uncomfortable seats. Yes it's choppy and yes it's a fairly long ride at 90 mins, but it is a fair way away. I fell asleep (most did!) on the way back.
The visits to islands 4 and 8 seemed to be well organised and timings were given to be back at the boat. With this being advertised as a snorkeling day but with only 90 minutes being snorkeling doesn't leave a great taste in the mouth. Lunch however was pretty good if you're not a fussy eater and was in a well set up environment on island 8.
I needed to be back at my hotel at 6 latest and I asked the provider if this was okay and if not can I pay for a private transfer. They assured me I would be back at my hotel between 5 30 and 6 in the evening. When we arrived back to the pier I was advised the cars weren't leaving until 5 45! Again, just be honest as I would have happily paid for a private transfer or cab but now I feel I have just been deceived to get me to confirm my booking..
Arguably for the price of c 75£ I probably would have expected a little more in terms of actual snorkeling. General experience was goof though the crowds are real, fortunately the staff were very good and had a lot of snacks and drinks in hand to give out.
If you are looking to see the similans and not overly fussed about the amount of snorkeling, this trip could fit you, but I was looking for plenty more snorkeling opportunities than were given.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
ルツェルン, スイス6件の投稿
2024年12月 • カップル・夫婦
A very well organized trip to the beautiful Similan Islands. We had a good team around us, we were well looked after all day. We visited beautiful beaches and snorkeling spots (unfortunately there were not so many fish to see, but a sea turtle). At the main island were very many boats at the same time. Getting in and out was done by the water, which was not quite easy. On the whole a great excursion, which I can gladly recommend.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Carsten og Char... M
キバエク, デンマーク4件の投稿
2024年12月 • ファミリー
The trip was fantastic- good snorkeling locations - well organized - delicious catering- great staff!
We swam with turtles
We swam with turtles
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Peter W
カウズ, イギリス2件の投稿
2024年12月 • カップル・夫婦
Just got back after an exhausting day, glimpses of beauty but wouldn’t go back to the islands or tour with this company again. National Park - more like theme park, especially the queues and being shepherded around. A shame because the staff were superb, knowledgeable and energetic.
05:50 pick up at hotel in Phuket, returned at 19:45, we spent 4.5 hours being bounced around in a cramped minibus, 2.5 hours being bounced around in a cramped tour boat and got a couple of short swims and 45 minutes on a nice beach.
The islands are saturated with mass tourism, and I regret going. Pictures are misleading, showing them to be quiet, with only one boat in view. There were 38 guests and around 8 crew on our boat, and on one beach there were 12 tour boats, so probably 450-500 people following a similar rushed itinerary with no space to sit on the beach or in the picnic areas.
Beware considering going if your are not fit and able bodied, getting in/off the boat from the beach while it surges around in the surf/swell is difficult, the bouncy journey will also harm your back if it’s not 100%
On the plus side we were well fed and watered throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner (Thai style) and plenty of snacks on board including ice cream. On reflection however, perhaps filling stomachs moments before embarking on a rough passage, in a crowded boat that smelt of petrol explained the offer of anti sickness tablets - but it was too little too late for several on our boats and plastic bags (supplied) were made use of.
It would be a dream if the visit was as pictured in the leaflets, but unfortunately it remains a dream.
05:50 pick up at hotel in Phuket, returned at 19:45, we spent 4.5 hours being bounced around in a cramped minibus, 2.5 hours being bounced around in a cramped tour boat and got a couple of short swims and 45 minutes on a nice beach.
The islands are saturated with mass tourism, and I regret going. Pictures are misleading, showing them to be quiet, with only one boat in view. There were 38 guests and around 8 crew on our boat, and on one beach there were 12 tour boats, so probably 450-500 people following a similar rushed itinerary with no space to sit on the beach or in the picnic areas.
Beware considering going if your are not fit and able bodied, getting in/off the boat from the beach while it surges around in the surf/swell is difficult, the bouncy journey will also harm your back if it’s not 100%
On the plus side we were well fed and watered throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner (Thai style) and plenty of snacks on board including ice cream. On reflection however, perhaps filling stomachs moments before embarking on a rough passage, in a crowded boat that smelt of petrol explained the offer of anti sickness tablets - but it was too little too late for several on our boats and plastic bags (supplied) were made use of.
It would be a dream if the visit was as pictured in the leaflets, but unfortunately it remains a dream.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback. We're sorry to hear that the experience did not meet your expectations. We understand that the long day and the crowded conditions of the islands impacted your enjoyment, and we sincerely apologize for any discomfort you experienced. We appreciate your positive comments about our staff, and we are committed to continually improving the experience for our guests. We hope you’ll give us another chance in the future to offer a more relaxed and enjoyable adventure.
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2024年11月 • カップル・夫婦
Very well organized, 50 people on the boat . ( I would have liked to have had a smaller group (but was not possible from our hotel) long drive
Very nice island, but very well visited!😉
But absolutely, despite long drive from Khok Kloi
Very nice island, but very well visited!😉
But absolutely, despite long drive from Khok Kloi
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you for your review. We're glad to hear you enjoyed the Similan Islands and the organization of the trip. We understand that larger groups can sometimes impact the experience, and we appreciate your feedback on this. We hope the beautiful islands and snorkeling made the long journey worthwhile. Thank you for recommending the trip, and we hope you’ll have the chance to visit again in the future! 🌊🐠
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2024年5月 • カップル・夫婦
In overall, it was a nice trip with reasonable breakfast and snacks (ice cream, cookies, watermelon). They also offer fast remedies for jelly fish sting allergies. For future visitors' reference, it's NOT a luxury trip with cruise-like offerings. It's just a speedboat, ~20-30ish customers on each boat and 3-4 staff members, and restroom is only for emergency use on diarrhea. To be fair, it's a decent average trip on the base of $100/people.
On top of that, location 1 is beautiful on the beach and swimming areas. We enjoyed the most among the 4 spots (other 3 are for snorkeling). The 2nd spot is ok, 3rd spot has too many jelly fish and water is muddy, 4th spot is slightly better than 2nd.
For breakfast, lunch and dinner, I won't say it's delicious but it is clean and reasonable. If you can, I would recommend to have your breakfast in your hotel (if comes with your bookings) before you leave for the pier for theirs.
On top of that, location 1 is beautiful on the beach and swimming areas. We enjoyed the most among the 4 spots (other 3 are for snorkeling). The 2nd spot is ok, 3rd spot has too many jelly fish and water is muddy, 4th spot is slightly better than 2nd.
For breakfast, lunch and dinner, I won't say it's delicious but it is clean and reasonable. If you can, I would recommend to have your breakfast in your hotel (if comes with your bookings) before you leave for the pier for theirs.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Danielhu142
Thanks for the honest review! We're glad you enjoyed the beautiful beach at location 1 and found the trip a good value. To manage expectations, you're right, it's a casual speedboat tour, not a luxury cruise. We appreciate you mentioning the amenities and staff's jellyfish sting assistance. Your breakfast tip is helpful for future travelers!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Rose J
2024年5月 • カップル・夫婦
The whole experience was a lot of fun and we were looked after beautifully by the staff both before ,after and during the trip .
The coconut ice cream really hit the spot after getting back on the boat after snorkelling and the view from the rock on Island 4 was well worth the climb .
One of the best day trips I’ve done .
The coconut ice cream really hit the spot after getting back on the boat after snorkelling and the view from the rock on Island 4 was well worth the climb .
One of the best day trips I’ve done .
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Bath, UK12件の投稿
2024年4月 • ファミリー
We had a great trip to the Similan islands - the staff were very friendly and helpful. The boat was busy and packed full but the rest of the trip was beautiful and we experienced lots of snorkelling and exploring of some of the islands. The scenery is spectacular!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Gonch77
Thank you for your review! We're thrilled you had a great trip to the Similans. While we apologize the boat was crowded, we're glad the friendly staff, amazing scenery, and snorkeling made it unforgettable. We appreciate you choosing us!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Markku J
トゥースラ, フィンランド1,155件の投稿
2024年2月 • ファミリー
Wow Andaman was managing the whole package extremely well. Mr. Chang was our guide and I want to send my warmest thanks to him. Similan is unbelievably beautiful and we even saw a sea turtle while snorkeling. Food offering was good and for sure enough (2 lunch boxes per person, breakfast and even a dinner). Highly recommended.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear MarkkuJ57
Thank you so much for your fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear that you had an amazing experience with Wow Andaman and that Mr. Chang made your trip to Similan so memorable. We'll be sure to pass on your kind words to him.
We're also happy to hear that you enjoyed the food and the beautiful scenery. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible experience, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.
We hope to see you again soon!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Christina W
2024年2月 • ファミリー
A great trip with perfect organization. Drinks, snacks and food were available all day! Fantastic islands and the crowds were very well distributed, we had a wonderful time!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear P7387JIchristinaw
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a fantastic review! We're thrilled you had a wonderful time on your tour and that everything was perfectly organized. We're especially happy to hear you enjoyed the delicious food and drinks, the stunning islands, and the manageable crowd sizes.
We strive to provide all our customers with a memorable and enjoyable experience, and your feedback helps us know we're on the right track. We hope to see you again soon on another adventure!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
I tried to book for 2 people for Sunday. The price advertised was $173 Australian Dollars, but when I booked it went up to $197.00, can you explain why?
I still need to know if you pick up at the Khaolak Bhandari resort and spa as I want to book it soon and i may have to look some where else
Hi do you pick up in Khaolak Bhandari Resort and spa and can I fetch a copie of the passport on the day please.
We have a group of 4 staying at Apsara Resort in the Pakarang Beach. Do you collect and return to this resort? We would be interested in booking fir Wednesday 16 October, 2019. I would like confirmation that we can be collected from our accommodation and dropped off again before booking. Thank you.
Hi, do u do the Similan early bird day trip from Khao Lak? And what is the price?
Thank you
We will be staying in Khao Lak from 28th May to 3rd june 2019, is there anyway of visiting the Silmian Islands during this period, for snorkelling?
Hi, Similan Island is closed during low season from 15th May until Nov.
Kind regards,
We're going to Khao Lak with our three kids, aged 6, 8 and 10, in Jnauary, and just wondering how realistic it is to do one of these snorkelling tours to the similan islands with kids?
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