提供:Nepal Guide Treks and Expedition
• マナスルサーキットトレックでは、マウンテンビューの壮大な景色を楽しめます。 Manaslu 8156m - 世界で8番目に高いピーク、Ganesh Himal 7406m - 聖なる山と多くの雪をかぶった山々。
• 冒険的な高山高原を渡る。 5135メートルのラルキヤ・ラ・パス。
• ネパール中部のヒマラヤ地域の孤立した地域を、亜熱帯の高密度の森林とともにチベット文化の伝統的な村で探索する機会。
• マナソル・サーキット・トレックでは、ネパールのアンナプルナ保全地域プロジェクト(ACAP)だけでなく、マナソル保全地域プロジェクト(MCAP)の遠足もカバーしています。
所要時間: 19日
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- トレッキング、ウェルカム & フェアウェル ディナーの前後に 4 泊
- 全食事 [BLD] トレッキング期間中、トレッキング期間中のティーハウスロッジ宿泊
- マナスル地域および ACA 許可の特別許可、すべての税金、付加価値税、および必要な事務処理
- トレッキング全体の経験豊富なトレッキングガイドと必要なポーターの数
- スタッフ食料、衣料品給与、保険。
含まれないもの- 個人的な自然経費
- バーコードとあらゆる種類の飲み物
- レスキュー&避難
- stafの感謝(先端)
- 出発場所:旅行者の送迎サービスが提供されます。送迎の詳細
- スタッフが名刺を持ってお迎えにあがります。
空港の送迎サービスあり決済時に、対象となる空港のリストから選択できます。- Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu Nepal
終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす対応
- 介助動物の同伴可
アクセシビリティについてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。63165P4- 予約時に確認メールをお送りします
- 宿泊施設:
- 公表されている見積もりに従って、主要都市の3つの分類されたホテル/リゾートに基づいて費用を計算しており、顧客の好みに応じて容易に変更することができます。都市を除いて、マナスルサーキットトレイルの全ルートには、最高の利用可能なロッジを最高のものとする一泊滞在のための快適なティーハウスがあります。すべての場所の宿泊施設は、シングル、ダブル、トリプル、ツインのいずれの基準でもご利用いただけます。
- 食事: 朝食、昼食、夕食
- 私たちは一般に都市でBBプランを提供していますので、街の周辺のさまざまなレストランでさまざまな種類の食品を選ぶことができます。マナスルサーキットのトレッキングでは、様々な料理を選ぶことができるすべての食事(朝食、ランチ&ディナー)を提供します。ネパールのコンチネンタル、チベット、インド、イタリアなどのメニューから。私たちはトレッキング中に、あなたは一晩滞在し、次の目的地への途中のランチ方法を取る同じティーハウスで夕食と朝食を得るでしょう。
- 身体条件と必要な経験:
- マナスルサーキットトレイルには、非常に低い高度の景色の良いコースから始まり、冒険的なラーカイ・ラパスの5135メートルに達するまで標高を得る素晴らしいルートがあります。このトレッキングは、軽いプライベートバックパックを運んで1日5/6時間一般的に歩く能力を持つ冒険のトレッキングファンに適しています。難易度はトレイル内の雪のレベルによって決まります。ラーケイラパスには大雪の壁が含まれていることがありますが、雪が少なくても同じパスが非常に簡単になることがあります。いくつかのケースでは、高所で歩くことは高度の病気を引きつけることがあります。我々は予防が治療より優れていることを知っている - 遅くて安定した歩行は完璧な解決策になるでしょう。私たちは、数週間前に毎日の物理的な運動(ジョギング、ハイキング、サイクリング、ジムなど)の周りを毎日トレッキングするためにネパールに来る予定のトレッカーをお勧めします。このトレッキングには登山技術スキルは必須ではありませんが、以前の短いトレッキング体験はより良いでしょう。
- マナスルサーキットベストシーズン:
- ネパール山脈でのトレッキングは季節的な活動です。基本的に、秋の3ヶ月 - 9月、10月と11月、3月の春 - 3月、4月と5月はトレッキングに最適です。その間、ヒマラヤ山脈の天気は晴れ、晴れて暖かくなり、山々の素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます。それにもかかわらず、混雑した環境で歩きたくない冒険を求めるクライアントの中には、この旅行のために12月、1月、2月を選択することもできます。 3ヶ月間のモンスーンシーズン(6月、7月、8月)は雨によって台無しになる。
- 心疾患や、その他の重大な疾患がある方は参加できません
- ある程度の体力が必要です
- このツアー/アクティビティの最大催行人数は15名です
- 開始日の24時間前までにキャンセルされた場合、全額返金の対象となります。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。63165P4
santosh s
2024年11月 • 友達
Manasalu circuit Trek was just an excellent and thnaks for "Nepal Guide Treks and Expedition P.Ltd" and Sherpa Team who makes our journey memorable..
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
アデレード, オーストラリア1件の投稿
2024年10月 • 友達
I recently had an opportunity to trek the Manaslu Circuit with the Nepal Guide Treks team. And it has become one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.
The team was professional, friendly and knowledgeable about the entire journey. This made me secure for the worries I had as a first time trekker. The accommodations along the route were cozy and comfortable. And the meal was fresh and delicious. Our trekking guide, Dawa, did everything that could make our journey more enjoyable and remarkable.
The Manaslu region was otherworldly. The landscapes that changed from lowland hills and valleys to rugged high altitude terrains were a feast for my eyes. The most adventurous part was crossing the Larkya La Pass. Standing at its breathtaking height was both exciting and rewarding experience.
For everyone looking forward to the Manaslu Circuit Trek I recommend you book with Nepal Guide Trek. I am sure that you will not regret it.
The team was professional, friendly and knowledgeable about the entire journey. This made me secure for the worries I had as a first time trekker. The accommodations along the route were cozy and comfortable. And the meal was fresh and delicious. Our trekking guide, Dawa, did everything that could make our journey more enjoyable and remarkable.
The Manaslu region was otherworldly. The landscapes that changed from lowland hills and valleys to rugged high altitude terrains were a feast for my eyes. The most adventurous part was crossing the Larkya La Pass. Standing at its breathtaking height was both exciting and rewarding experience.
For everyone looking forward to the Manaslu Circuit Trek I recommend you book with Nepal Guide Trek. I am sure that you will not regret it.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Hello christin,
Greetings from Nepal.
Thank you so much for using us for your Unforgettable Journey to Manaslu Circuit Trek.
We are always been pleased to welcome you in Nepal again and ready to serve our best..
With Good Wishes,
Prakash Devkota
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Rachael R
2024年6月 • ファミリー
We were taken care of the entire trip, from the airport, through the mountains, and back to the airport to go home. Dorji, our guide and Karma, our porter took care of us and made us feel safe throughout our time in Nepal. The company took care of everything so we could easily enjoy our experience on the treck. Manaslu treck was beautiful every day with so many food options. June was a beautiful time to go with green mountains and lots of wildflowers. I highly recommend Nepal Guides Trecks and Expeditions!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're thrilled that you had a safe and enjoyable trek with Dorji and Karma. We're glad you enjoyed the beauty of the Manaslu trek and the hospitality of Nepal Guides Treks and Expeditions. We hope to see you again in Nepal!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2024年3月 • ファミリー
The trip to Manaslu was an enjoyable journey, and felt like my dream came true. I always wanted to go for a trek to the Himalayan region and explore the Himalayan lifestyle. This dream of mine was fulfilled through Nepal Guide Treks with proper execution. It was an epic and daring adventure to the lap of the Himalayas, enrolled with innumerable captivating sights on the way. With all the valid safety tips and an experienced guide, my trip was successful and vibrant. I could never ask for more at the exact moment when I was blessed by the 8th tallest mountain, Mt. Manaslu.
Along the journey, the trails were kind of challenging, but my attention wasn’t even diverted as the stunning mountainous landscapes kept me occupied the whole time. Gushing Waterfalls, Soaring Rivers, Breathtaking Glaciers, Rhododendron forests and natural habitat made my days in the Manaslu region mesmerizing.
Besides just the majestic views of the mountains, my trek was magnified by the quality of services provided. The trip was memorable, and still, today, I relish those memories of trekking to Mt. Manaslu alongside an experienced guide. With excellent service and safety from Nepal Guide Treks, this journey was victorious. Its about time for me to stop relishing the memories created and instead go for creating another one, which is why I’m deciding for my next trek to Mt. Annapurna through Nepal Guide Treks.
Along the journey, the trails were kind of challenging, but my attention wasn’t even diverted as the stunning mountainous landscapes kept me occupied the whole time. Gushing Waterfalls, Soaring Rivers, Breathtaking Glaciers, Rhododendron forests and natural habitat made my days in the Manaslu region mesmerizing.
Besides just the majestic views of the mountains, my trek was magnified by the quality of services provided. The trip was memorable, and still, today, I relish those memories of trekking to Mt. Manaslu alongside an experienced guide. With excellent service and safety from Nepal Guide Treks, this journey was victorious. Its about time for me to stop relishing the memories created and instead go for creating another one, which is why I’m deciding for my next trek to Mt. Annapurna through Nepal Guide Treks.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
We're thrilled to hear about your incredible journey to Manaslu with Nepal Guide Treks. Your experience of exploring the Himalayan lifestyle amidst captivating landscapes is truly inspiring. We look forward to welcoming you back for your next adventure to Mt. Annapurna, ensuring another memorable trekking experience with us.
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Luke D
2022年10月 • 一人
Had the trip of a lifetime doing the Manaslu Circuit and an attempted climb of Larkya Peak with Sonam as my guide. We ultimately cancelled the climb due to the very high avalanche risk (there even ended up being one the day we were supposed to push up to high camp), but the circuit plus camping up at Larkya Pass to wake up to the sunrise views up there was magnificent in and of itself. Sonam was extremely knowledgeable about the area, where to stay in each town, and even had a good relationship with the locals to hook us up with some unique food options at times. Prakash was very easy to coordinate the trip with, and when the late season monsoon trapped us for a few days in Dharapani due to unsafe road conditions, he was extremely quick to coordinate a helicopter evac. We ultimately ended up being able to walk out, but having someone like that able to support you when conditions deteriorated was very reassuring. I will definitely do another trek/climb with this company the next time I come to Nepal. Thank you again for such a great experience!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
2022年9月 • 一人
All trip was exelent. Super guides. Good organized, Realy nice expierience i nepal.
Hope i can comeback in future..
Hope i can comeback in future..
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Markus Penninger
ミュンヘン, ドイツ3件の投稿
Great adventure of a lifetime! Perfect organization during and before the tour. All questions were answered by management with quick response, all needed paperwork was provided. Sherpa Guides and Sherpa Porters came all from same area/villages, good background to have a good atmosphere among staff. Also very good care about us during trip.
In the end I was only climber to try to climb Larkya Peak (6249m), but I had to return at 5700m because of much snow, cold feet, little bit late and yes, tired too. I recommand to plan two highcamp-nights, so guides have enough time to prepare fixed ropes. And to start early (2am maybe). Summit day quite demanding, especially to get back to Bimthang on the same day. Namaste, Markus
In the end I was only climber to try to climb Larkya Peak (6249m), but I had to return at 5700m because of much snow, cold feet, little bit late and yes, tired too. I recommand to plan two highcamp-nights, so guides have enough time to prepare fixed ropes. And to start early (2am maybe). Summit day quite demanding, especially to get back to Bimthang on the same day. Namaste, Markus
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Hello Markus ,
Thank you so much for your great Review.
We hope to get more and more opportunity to organize your Trekking and Climbing in near future.
We always receive your message with great pleasure !
With Good Wishes,
Prakash C Devkota
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Geoffrey Barrette
We recently returned from Nepal and Manaslu Circuit Trek with Nepal Guide Treks. The Trip was amazing. Being off season, we experienced quite low tourists around Manaslu trek and also having snowfall lightly. Our guide Dendi and porter Robin was best. We were taken care from the beginning to last day of trek. Guide Dendi made sure we were both safe and sound, from our tea house to our meals and each day, he briefing about our trekking route, culture, peoples as well as location with fantastic views of Manaslu mountain and other mountains that makes our day great. Manaslu circuit is less crowded and not common trekking route as Annapurna trek. If you love to travel in less crowded trekking route then this trek maybe the best for you. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend our organizer Nepal Guide Trek and Prakash (owner). Guide Dendi and Robin was perfect. Best thing is both always smiling.
Thank you to all for amazing trip.
Best Regards,
Thank you to all for amazing trip.
Best Regards,
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Hello Geoffrey,
Thank you so much for your great Review.
We are pleased that you had great experience from Nepal and Manaslu Circuit with our Team.
Yes please, you are right Manaslu Circuit has fantastic views of Manaslu mountain and other mountains including its culture and people.
We are always been ready to serve you our best.
With Good Wishes,
Prakash C Devkota
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Nikolaj Nilsson
I recently completed Manaslu Circuit with my friend. Communicating with Prakash when planning the trip was easy and we were able to tailor the trek to exactly what we wanted. Prakash organized everything super well and all to our satisfaction.
Our guide Krishna and Porter Pasang was super helpful with everything. We always discussed the route with him to have the perfect hiking experience and he acted really flexible to fulfil all our wishes. He told us lot of thing about Manaslu and its region, mountain and also local culture. He also help to find to better accommodate and best local food for us. Manaslu circuit was a great trek for us, combination of splendid view of various landscapes, himalayas along with off beaten path atmosphere. Highly recommend using Nepal Guide Treks and also our guide Krishna.
Our guide Krishna and Porter Pasang was super helpful with everything. We always discussed the route with him to have the perfect hiking experience and he acted really flexible to fulfil all our wishes. He told us lot of thing about Manaslu and its region, mountain and also local culture. He also help to find to better accommodate and best local food for us. Manaslu circuit was a great trek for us, combination of splendid view of various landscapes, himalayas along with off beaten path atmosphere. Highly recommend using Nepal Guide Treks and also our guide Krishna.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Nikolaj,
Thank you so much for your Review.
We are pleased that you had great experience and enjoyed the splendid view of various landscapes, himalayas along with off beaten path atmosphere.
We are always been ready to serve our best.
With Good Wishes,
Prakash C Devkota
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Manaslu Circuit was a terrific experience - great (and varied) scenery, right amount of challenge and enjoyable first time at altitude crossing Larkya Pass.
Tea Houses were basic (as expected), comfortable enough and added to the overall experience - however the food became pretty tedious. Not sure why the "Tourism Board" insists on all tea houses having the exact same menu!
Also not sure why the guide and porters were made/insisted on not eating until after we had eaten - we would have been more than happy to all eat together at the same time. Sometimes they were made to wait until quite late (after all trekkers had eaten, even those not in our group) which seemed a bit unreasonable after a hard days walk!
Nepal Guide Treks & Expeditions were great to deal with. Prakash (owner) was very responsive to emails before we arrived and very helpful throughout. He showed great flexibility in responding to our request for a change in our itinerary to incorporate a few days at Chitwan National Park. Excellent service overall, however our trekking guide was very good, but not excellent - communication and (at times) knowledge of the area could have been better (e.g. we were looking to do a few side trips/walks on a couple of days, but he couldn't provide us with any real options).
However I have no trouble in highly recommending Nepal Guide Treks & Expeditions.
Tea Houses were basic (as expected), comfortable enough and added to the overall experience - however the food became pretty tedious. Not sure why the "Tourism Board" insists on all tea houses having the exact same menu!
Also not sure why the guide and porters were made/insisted on not eating until after we had eaten - we would have been more than happy to all eat together at the same time. Sometimes they were made to wait until quite late (after all trekkers had eaten, even those not in our group) which seemed a bit unreasonable after a hard days walk!
Nepal Guide Treks & Expeditions were great to deal with. Prakash (owner) was very responsive to emails before we arrived and very helpful throughout. He showed great flexibility in responding to our request for a change in our itinerary to incorporate a few days at Chitwan National Park. Excellent service overall, however our trekking guide was very good, but not excellent - communication and (at times) knowledge of the area could have been better (e.g. we were looking to do a few side trips/walks on a couple of days, but he couldn't provide us with any real options).
However I have no trouble in highly recommending Nepal Guide Treks & Expeditions.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Jayson,
Thank you so much for your Review on TripAdvisor
Yes please you right, Manaslu Circuit Trek challenge and enjoyable. The people in Manaslu Region provide basic Tea Houses and providing training to the people for cooking food for the Trekkers, that's why most of the tea houses has same menu.
Because of Nepali Culture, We serve food first to our Clients and then we eat (Our Clients are our GOD).
Once again Thank you so much for your Review and this is good tip for us- We will speak with Guide and request them to make sight Trip to our valuable Clients and make their memorable Experience from Nepal.
We hope to get an opportunity in near future to serve you our best again.
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
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