オプションでの温泉体験付き箱根カスタム プライベート ツアー
オプションでの温泉体験付き箱根カスタム プライベート ツアー
所要時間: 7 時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- 全国認定プロガイド
- 地元のティーハウスでの飲み物
- 昼食
- 入場:箱根町
含まれないもの- 個別の移動手段
- 箱根フリーパス
- 路線バス運賃
- 入場:大涌谷園地
- 入場:箱根町
- 出発場所:複数の送迎場所があります。
- Hakone-Yumoto Station, Yumoto, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0311, Japan改札前のネームボードに穴をあけます。
送迎の詳細- 出発地:箱根エリア、小田原駅、箱根湯本駅のホテル 日付:週末を除く毎日 帰りのポイント:箱根エリア、小田原駅、箱根湯本駅のホテル
ホテル送迎サービスあり決済時に、対象となるホテルのリストから選択できます。その他の送迎オプション決済時に、対象となる送迎場所のリストから選択できます。- Hakone-Yumoto Station, Yumoto, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0311, Japan
終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす非対応
- 近くに公共交通機関あり
- 乳幼児は膝の上にお乗せください
アクセシビリティについてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。19588P1- ほとんどの方が参加できます
- 子供は大人と同伴する必要があります
- 1回の予約につき最大8名まで
- プライベート温泉体験は任意です。予約時に選択してください
- この体験は、好天時にのみ催行されます。 悪天候のためキャンセルとなった場合、別の日程での参加または全額返金の対象となります
- こちらはプライベートツアー/アクティビティです。 お客様のグループのみが参加されます
- すべての販売は最終的なものと見なされ、100%のキャンセル料が発生します。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。19588P1
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- 6
- ShinjiMu0件の投稿海外からゲストが来たら絶対に頼むべき箱根の英語ガイドツアーアメリカの友人を箱根で案内するためにエクスプローラー・ハコネさんにプライベートがガイドを依頼。まる1日プライベートなガイドまで頼むことができるとなると、かなりリーズナブルだと思う。(ちなみに観光タクシーは1時間8千円) 今回は小田急線で新宿からロマンスカーに乗り、小田原駅でガイドのシンさんと合流。日程はこんな感じです。 7:30 新宿で「はこね83号」に乗車 8:45 小田原駅到着。ガイドのシンさんが改札で出迎えてくれました。 9:30 金時山の登山ハイキング、スタート。気持ちの良いハイキングコースに癒される。 11:00 金時山頂上に到着!箱根を見渡せる絶景。 12:00 下山してランチ。 13:30 箱根神社にお参り。 14:30 県立恩賜公園でコーヒーを飲みながら芦ノ湖を眺める。 16:00 早めの温泉。川のほとりの一般の観光客がいない場所で汗を流す。 18:00 車で山の上から芦ノ湖の奥の山に沈む夕日を眺める。 19:00 小田原駅到着。ロマンスカーで快適に新宿へ。 といったスケジュール。素晴らしい場所ばかりに効率的に連れて行っていただき、これだけ回っても疲れることなく、素晴らしい旅だった。 海外からの友達が来た時には本当にオススメのツアーガイド。もちろん、ガイドのシンさんは英語が堪能だった。投稿日:2016年12月21日
- suziemarine0件の投稿海外ゲストとゆっくり過ごせる海外ゲスト5人と日本人の私1人で4時間コースに参加しました。プライベートツアーなので柔軟に行動できるし、地元出身のガイドの方は英語が堪能で臨機応変に対応してくれました。 前日までフルアテンドだったので、ガイドはお任せしてゆっくり過ごせました。 次回はもっと長いコースで参加してみたいです。投稿日:2016年4月4日
これらの口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。トリップアドバイザーでは、業界有数のトラスト&セーフティ基準の一環として、口コミの確認を実施しています。詳しくは、透明性に関するレポートをご覧ください。
Sally R
2024年7月 • ファミリー
I cannot recommend this tour highly enough! A family friend recommended Hiroko, our guide, stating that this tour was a high point of their Japan trip. And it truly was!
From our initial email communication, Hiroko helped plan an amazing day. With her suggestions and by listening to my family's desires and areas of interest, we were able to create a full-day itinerary.
Hiroko helped us coordinate our transportation from Tokyo to Hakone. We took the Romance Car, which we highly recommend. She met us easily at the train station, and our day began! Hiroko also arranged a personal taxi for us, so we could make the most of our exploration of Hakone.
Despite the extremely hot weather, our day in Hakone was fantastic! While driving to our first stop, the Open Air Museum, Hiroko shared historical knowledge of Hakone, and we quickly became very comfortable with her. We shared stories and realized we were in for a very special day! At the Open Air Museum, we saw amazing sculptures, an incredible Picasso exhibit, soaked our feet in the hot springs footpath, climbed the stained glass lookout tower, and took in the majestic views of Hakone. Throughout, Hiroko was right by our side.
We rode the Hakone Ropeway and were fortunate to get a car with a glass floor, allowing us to watch the unique landscape unfold beneath us. At the top, we explored the landscape and enjoyed the famous black eggs cooked in the special environment. They were rich and delicious—a definite must-try! They were not mineral or sulfuric in flavor. We were lucky enough to see Mount Fuji as the clouds parted, offering breathtaking views.
We visited the Hakone-jinja Shrine on the lake. The views were beautiful, and the shrine was spiritual and peaceful. We enjoyed a delicious Japanese lunch lakeside and continued learning about Hakone's history. We hiked briefly in Onshi Hakone Park, which offered scenic views of Lake Ashinoko and explored the site of the Imperial Villa.
We shopped at a wonderful store with lots of treasures, where I had to purchase the Magical Box (a Hiroko special!). The colorful wooden items we bought were crafted from local trees.
We hiked through old tree-lined walkways from the Edo Period and arrived at the Checkpoint Museum. The history of this magical area was palpable. We relaxed at Amazake Chaya, a 13th-generation tea house. The drinks and food were delicious! We were fortunate to meet the owner, Satoshi, and his mother, and enjoyed a memorable encounter. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for those who use Hiroko as their guide for Hakone. You won’t be disappointed.
We were sad when our day came to an end as Hiroko dropped us off at our onsen. We felt fully satisfied and enriched by our Hakone experience with Hiroko. It felt like spending a day with an old friend. Honestly, I would use Hiroko for any Japanese exploration she could offer. Her knowledge, professionalism, and friendly engagement make her an excellent guide. Our Hakone tour experience was outstanding and full of memories we will cherish for years to come. I cannot recommend this tour enough. It was truly magical!
From our initial email communication, Hiroko helped plan an amazing day. With her suggestions and by listening to my family's desires and areas of interest, we were able to create a full-day itinerary.
Hiroko helped us coordinate our transportation from Tokyo to Hakone. We took the Romance Car, which we highly recommend. She met us easily at the train station, and our day began! Hiroko also arranged a personal taxi for us, so we could make the most of our exploration of Hakone.
Despite the extremely hot weather, our day in Hakone was fantastic! While driving to our first stop, the Open Air Museum, Hiroko shared historical knowledge of Hakone, and we quickly became very comfortable with her. We shared stories and realized we were in for a very special day! At the Open Air Museum, we saw amazing sculptures, an incredible Picasso exhibit, soaked our feet in the hot springs footpath, climbed the stained glass lookout tower, and took in the majestic views of Hakone. Throughout, Hiroko was right by our side.
We rode the Hakone Ropeway and were fortunate to get a car with a glass floor, allowing us to watch the unique landscape unfold beneath us. At the top, we explored the landscape and enjoyed the famous black eggs cooked in the special environment. They were rich and delicious—a definite must-try! They were not mineral or sulfuric in flavor. We were lucky enough to see Mount Fuji as the clouds parted, offering breathtaking views.
We visited the Hakone-jinja Shrine on the lake. The views were beautiful, and the shrine was spiritual and peaceful. We enjoyed a delicious Japanese lunch lakeside and continued learning about Hakone's history. We hiked briefly in Onshi Hakone Park, which offered scenic views of Lake Ashinoko and explored the site of the Imperial Villa.
We shopped at a wonderful store with lots of treasures, where I had to purchase the Magical Box (a Hiroko special!). The colorful wooden items we bought were crafted from local trees.
We hiked through old tree-lined walkways from the Edo Period and arrived at the Checkpoint Museum. The history of this magical area was palpable. We relaxed at Amazake Chaya, a 13th-generation tea house. The drinks and food were delicious! We were fortunate to meet the owner, Satoshi, and his mother, and enjoyed a memorable encounter. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for those who use Hiroko as their guide for Hakone. You won’t be disappointed.
We were sad when our day came to an end as Hiroko dropped us off at our onsen. We felt fully satisfied and enriched by our Hakone experience with Hiroko. It felt like spending a day with an old friend. Honestly, I would use Hiroko for any Japanese exploration she could offer. Her knowledge, professionalism, and friendly engagement make her an excellent guide. Our Hakone tour experience was outstanding and full of memories we will cherish for years to come. I cannot recommend this tour enough. It was truly magical!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
What a generous review you wrote! Thank you very much, Sally. I was utterly overwhelmed and sincerely appreciate your kindness.
I’m delighted to know that you enjoyed the tour so much and remember it in such detail.
I will also cherish all the memories of the tour with you, feeling we are old friends. I hope you visit Hakone again to find more hidden treasures by hiking mountainous areas with me!
Warmest regards,
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Authenteco Concierge
デンバー, コロラド州6件の投稿
2024年6月 • ファミリー
My family and I went on this tour to Shuzenji, wasabi fields, and then RAKAN and it was amazing! Our tour guide, Noriko, was very welcoming and informative and stayed with us all day. We didn't know wasabi had so much history! Then when we got to RAKAN, Chef Atsuko blew us away with her hospitality, food, and stories! I would definitely book this tour again.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you so much for visiting Shuzenji and Rakan during your limited time of travel. The restaurant is one of the best places in the area! Noriko and Atsuko had such a great time with you all and they are so pleased to hear that you enjoyed lunch. Atsuko said there's no boundary between culture and country when it comes to good food and it's so true! We look forward to serve you again in the future!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Hiroko was exceptional. We had a fantastic day touring hakone with her. She was knowledgeable, friendly and flexible.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you, Lauren, for having me as your guide in Hakone. Even though we started the tour late, we were blessed with a clear view of Mt. Fuji, which is incredible for this time of year. Your pace made it possible for me to show you all I wanted to share.
It was I who was grateful for this happy tour.
I hope you keep enjoying your holiday in Japan.
Please send my love to your charming and intelligent daughters!
Kind regards, Hiroko
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2024年6月 • カップル・夫婦
We had the pleasure of having Hiroko guide us for two full days around Hakone in the very beginning of June. The Hakone area was the last stop on our two week holiday in Japan and it was one of our highlights thanks to Hiroko. She exceeded our expectations, which I admit were high but this was because she was so helpful in the weeks leading up to our trip by always responding to my questions in a timely fashion.
About a month prior to our trip, Hiroko and I finalised the agenda over our two full days. She then sent a very clear and professional itinerary which we would wind up sticking to closely.
The weather did not behave itself on our second day but this is always a risk in this area (some times of year more than others). It was great to have Hiroko guide us while it poured down rain.
To be a good guide, in my opinion, they must balance the sharing of information on the surroundings with not overwhelming people with too much detail. Hiroko absolutely nailed this balance. We enjoyed learning about the area, as well as about the history and culture of Japan. We also enjoyed the places she took us for lunch. One of our highlights was a tea house which has been the family business of the owners for 13 generations- drinking the special tea they serve there, especially while it was raining, was delightful.
In summary, we highly recommend Hiroko and Explore Hakone!
About a month prior to our trip, Hiroko and I finalised the agenda over our two full days. She then sent a very clear and professional itinerary which we would wind up sticking to closely.
The weather did not behave itself on our second day but this is always a risk in this area (some times of year more than others). It was great to have Hiroko guide us while it poured down rain.
To be a good guide, in my opinion, they must balance the sharing of information on the surroundings with not overwhelming people with too much detail. Hiroko absolutely nailed this balance. We enjoyed learning about the area, as well as about the history and culture of Japan. We also enjoyed the places she took us for lunch. One of our highlights was a tea house which has been the family business of the owners for 13 generations- drinking the special tea they serve there, especially while it was raining, was delightful.
In summary, we highly recommend Hiroko and Explore Hakone!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Brad,
I sincerely apologise for the late reply to your review. Thank you very much for such a glowing review. I was overwhelmed with it!
It was a great pleasure to meet you and guide Hakone, even in the downpour of rain, as you showed interest in everything I wanted to share. Your sense of appreciation especially profoundly touched me at Amazake Chaya, as you are the first person I met enjoying not only the special drink and the conversation with the master but also the outside rain, which you described as adding remarkable serenity and beauty to round up the tour. It was an unforgettable scene for me; you smiled and enjoyed the teahouse experience. It was a great pleasure to meet you!
I look forward to you revisiting Hakone and hiking the Hakone mountains!
All the best, Hiroko
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
steven r
ディアーボーン, ミシガン州1件の投稿
2024年4月 • 友達
We booked this months before going and it ended up being a rainy day and we were thinking it was going to be a dull day, however Hiroko made it truly special and she made the day amazing. She was very personable and took us to some great sites and some hidden gems. Her knowledge of the area was phenomenal and we got to learn some interesting facts about nature and the history of Hakone. She took us to a great lunch spot and was treated to an amazing meal with a great view. The tea was was absolutely amazing she is very friendly with the owner and he came over and talked with us and we got to share an amazing moment with him.The Hot spring onsen was wonderful time truly a relaxing experience and one friend had a tattoos and Hiroko made sure to pick one that we all could still enter and really took care of us. Even though we didn't get to see Fuji we still had an amazing day and it was mainly thanks to Hiroko.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Steven,
Thank you so much for such a splendid review! I thoroughly enjoyed guiding you every moment, so I'm glad you felt the same way about what I wanted to share with you. I'm also happy you had a great time there after I left you for the hot springs. The last word is so touching that I'm overwhelmed. Thank you again! I hope you return to Hakone to see Mt Fuji, and I can guide you again! There are more hidden gems in Hakone. :)
All the best, Hiroko
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Voyage, voyage
ボルネム, ベルギー2件の投稿
2024年4月 • ファミリー
Despite the rainy weather in Hakone on this day, the private tour has been unfogrettable! Our knowledgeable guide, Hiroko, made the experience magical, sharing insights and stories at every stop. Sipping Amazake in an ancient house was a highlight, adding authenticity to our adventure day in Hakone. Despite the mist and rain, Hakone's charm shone through, making it a must-do experience rain or shine !
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Nathalie,
Thank you so much for such a heartwarming review! I thoroughly enjoyed guiding your family, as you were interested in every aspect I introduced to you. Walking in beautiful and misty Hakone in the cold rain made the drink tastier, but the conversation with the master was indeed the highlight!
The last sentence of yours is especially touching, I will treasure it! Thank you, again.
With lots of love, Hiroko xxx
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2024年3月 • カップル・夫婦
Hiroko was an amazing guide she was had full history on each and every place we went to visit and knew all the local places and people a tourist would never be able to experience. This was the best tour guide and day we have ever experienced in our travels.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Ellen and Randy,
Thank you so much for such a brilliant review of my guide. I'm completely overwhelmed.
I'm pleased you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed being with you! I appreciate you choosing our tour for your very special travel, and I'm also delighted to contribute to your wonderful memory of Japan.
There is more to explore in Hakone.
I hope you visit here again and I will see you again.
Please take care and have a safe journey home.
Kindest regards,
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Sacha N
2024年1月 • カップル・夫婦
Hiroko was amazing! It snowed while we were in Hakone, which, although beautiful, changed our options significantly. Hiroko gave us the option of canceling, but we’d rather see the area. She gave us a bespoke tour, and we saw beautiful and interesting things, including a delicious lunch with a lakeside view of Lake Ashi, a visit to Amazake Chaya, a centuries old tea house on a former imperial road which serves amazake, which is the rice drink used to give travelers energy. She introduced us to the owner, whose family has opened it EVERY DAY for the last 14 generations. We toured the town of Hakone, and walked the ancient cedar lined road that shoguns walked between Edo and Kyoto. We saw the replica of the gatehouse they used along the road, and visited the Imperial Summer Palace. It was magical in the snow, and we were the only ones there. We observed and learned about the famous lakeside Shinto Gates, and toured a market in Hakone- Yumoto. We finished our day with a visit to a private Onsen at Hakone Yuro, a very relaxing experience, and Hiroko even helped us book massages. She made sure we could easily return to our hotel, and we went to bed happy, informed, and relaxed! She was very attentive, and kept us up to date with the changes. She was amazing with the transportation (this is limited in Hakone, as a warning). We did not do the pirate boat tour or the rope line due to weather closures, but I did not miss them with the amazing on-the-fly adjustments Hiroko arranged. Arigato gozaimasu Hiroko!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Sacha,
Thank you very much for having me as your tour guide and for such a touching review. I’m over the moon! I’m so happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed guiding you!
It is a rare opportunity to see a very quiet, snow-covered Hakone. Even though lots of change, thanks to your understanding and generosity, I was relaxed to show you around my favourite places and introduce you to my favourite people.
There is more to show you; as such a good walker, you enjoy various hiking courses in Hakone. Next time, please visit us with your children.
Mata aimasho (See you again)! Dozo ogenkide (Take care, please)! Hiroko
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Aashima G
2023年12月 • 友達
We had a wonderful experience with Hiroko. She was so responsive via email when planning the trip. We made a couple last minute changes with our trip to Hakone and she was very flexible and solution oriented. One of the highlights of the trip was going to a traditional tea house towards the end of the tour where we enjoyed a Japanese energy drink made of rice. We would have never stumbled upon this place without our guide’s planning. Highly recommend!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Dear Aash,
Thank you for having me as your Hakone guide and for writing such a splendid review. I’m so grateful. Sharing Hakone's beauty, history, and culture with you and introducing my favourite people and products is my absolute great joy. I wish you happiness and health and hope you revisit Hakone to find more hidden gems!
Please send my love to your sisters! :)
With warmest regards,
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Madison S
2023年11月 • カップル・夫婦
Shin was incredible in helping us fit in an experience with him and his amazing employee Noriko who showed us around the are of the Izu Peninsula where we were staying. It was amazing to have a tour with a local who we were able to ask tons of questions to. She took photos of us, taught us a lot, and was so nice to spend the day with. Then we went to the most special restaurant of our whole trip! It was more courses than I could count, all made and served by the woman who cooked - served inside her beautiful home. It was Michelin star level and reminded us of Blue Hill Stone Barns, the famous restaurant back home where we are from. Shin was so helpful in the planning and logistics stage. Would highly recommend this or any experience with Explore Hakone! When we return to Japan we will spend more time in this area so that we can experience more of with Shin and his team have to offer.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
I am grateful for your wonderful review and feel extremely honored. I also had a delightful and memorable day filled with discoveries with you and Richard, who were so observant and full of curiosity. If your day in Izu, off the beaten track, was like finding a hidden gem, I am truly happy. There is no greater joy for me than knowing you have developed a positive impression of Japan through our team, just as I felt a renewed affinity with your country through both of you.
Madison, I will be thinking of you on our Children's Day next year. And we, the entire Explore Hakone team, are looking forward to serving you again when you return to the Izu and Hakone area, this time with your entire family!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Hello Shin, We are 4 adults flying into Tokyo May 15, 2019. Would you be available for a private tour on Friday, May 17 else Thursday, May 16? Read all the great reviews and hope you are available. Thank you, Ingrid
Hi Shin,
There are 4 of us coming over from the 11May to th 17th of May so very soon...and we would love to book a tour of with you...my Dad has been on one of your tours previously and loved it!! i
This is Shin and thank you for reaching out! I'm very very sorry that I'm booked until 21 May. It's a really shame that I won't be able to guide on your requested dates. I'm more than happy to assist you via email. So please feel free to ask any question you have!
Hi Shin. We will be in Tokyo this August 5th to 8th and are very interested in your tour (great reviews!). Unfortunately there are 6 adults in our family group and I was unable to book more than 5 people - I am assuming that is due to the size of the vehicle you use and is not flexible at all? Regards Dawn
Hi Dawn, sorry for the delay in my response. The system doesn't automatically send your question to me. I just found it out today...Anyways, if your group is more than 5, it doesn't fit in my van and we need to charter a jumbo taxi with a driver with an extra cost. Could you please contact me via my website and we can discuss this further in details. Thank you!
Hi, I have sent Shin a message regarding the possibility of adjusting this tour & just wondering if he’s received it, as I haven’t heard anything yet...
Hi KimiGams, thanks for your message. I just replied to your message and going to send a new email to answer your new questions!
kind regards,
Hi - I am planning to come by train to Hakone on April 17 2019 and check in to a Ryokan which has a in room onsen - and then start the tour - is that possible- its for 2 of us in the group-
hi indu79. this is Shin from Explore Hakone and thanks for your message. Unfortunately, I'm already booked on April 17th, therefore, I won't be able to guide on your requested date. I'm available on 18th so it'd be great if we can do that after you check out.
kind regards,
Hello. I'm thinking about doing this tour but wanted to find out what the itinerary may look like if I want to soak in an onsen? I plan to do this in March, the day after the Tokyo Marathon. Thank you!
Hi ericng314. Truly sorry that I haven't replied to your question for a long time. The system didn't send my a notification of your question and I found out your message today.
The following is a model itinerary for 1-day tour. This tour is 100% tailor-made and I can arrange it any way you want. If you want to soak in an onsen, we need to skip 1 or 2 places.
- Meet at a train station or your hotel in the area
- Ride on the Komagatake Ropeway see a stunning view of Mt.Fuji/Lake Ashi (if weather permits)
- Visit 1260 years old Hakone Shrine and its iconic red gate on the water
- Eat Japanese food based on your preference for lunch
- Visit Onshi Hakone Park for Japanese gardens and great views of Lake Ashi/Mt.Fuji
- Walk the historical road of Old Tokaido (400 years old Ceder Avenue)
- Stop by a Japanese traditional craft "Hakone Yosegi Zaiku" store
- Rest at Amazake Chaya, one of the oldest tea-houses in Hakone
kind regards,
Hello- is it possible to have this tour as one day tour arriving from Tokyo on the same day? we did not plan to sleep in Hakone so I wanted to know if we can book a private tour with you but we will need first to arrive from Tokyo, thank you
Hakone area is a 40-minute bullet train ride from Tokyo -- the train station is actually located in Odawara, which is about 7 km (4.5 miles) from Hakone . So if you take an early bullet train out of Tokyo (by 8 or 9 am) to Hakone, then I believe Shin (the tour guide) may be able to pick you up from the Odawara train station -- he starts his tours between 9 am to 10 am.
You could also take the local subway from Odawara train station to Hakone subway station, and Shin could pick you up from there. You will need to contact him directly for further details.
Hello- is it possible to have this tour as one day tour arriving from Tokyo on the same day? we did not plan to sleep in Hakone so I wanted to know if we can book a private tour with you but we will need first to arrive from Tokyo, thank you
Is there an opt to take a ride on the Hakone Ropeway cable car with views of Lake Ashi and Mt Fuji, and end the day in private room at hakone yuryo? at what time the tour ends?
Thx Yossi