ユニバーサル スタジオ ハリウッドのハロウィン ホラー ナイト入場券
ユニバーサル スタジオ ハリウッドのハロウィン ホラー ナイト入場券
ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ハリウッドのハロウィーン・ホラー・ナイトには、ホラー界の大物たちが集結し、死ぬほど怖がっているときほど生きている実感を味わえることはありません。8 つの恐ろしいお化け屋敷、テラー・トラム、不気味な恐怖ゾーン、エンターテイメント、そしてパークで最もスリリングなアトラクションを体験してください。イベントは 2024 年 9 月 5 日から 11 月 3 日までの特定の夜に開催されます。
所要時間: 1~5時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- ハロウィーン ホラー ナイトのユニバーサル スタジオ ハリウッドへの一般入場料 1 回
- 午後2時から入場可能(オプションを選択した場合)
含まれないもの- ホテルへの送迎
- 食べ物と飲み物(購入可能)
- パーキング
- カーニバル ゲーム (購入可能)
- ユニバーサルシネマの映画チケット
- 車いす対応
- 近くに公共交通機関あり
アクセシビリティについてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。2030P1- ほとんどの方が参加できます
- 警告: イベントは幼い子供には刺激が強すぎる可能性があり、13 歳未満の子供にはお勧めできません。衣装や仮面の着用は許可されません。
- ハロウィーン ホラー ナイトは別途チケットが必要です。イベントは雨天でも開催されます。レイン チェック、返品、返金はできません。料金、日付、時間、アトラクション、エンターテイメント、体験の詳細は、空き状況、変更、および/または予告なしのキャンセルとなる場合があります。パーク、アトラクション、エンターテイメント、またはイベントへのアクセスは、収容人数/閉鎖/その他の要因により制限または利用できない場合があり、特典は予告なしに変更される場合があります。駐車場は提供されません。追加の制限が適用される場合があります。ユニバーサル エレメントおよび関連するすべての表示 TM & © 2024 Universal Studios。無断複写・転載を禁じます。
- これは、ユニバーサル スタジオ ハリウッドでのみ有効で、ユニバーサル オーランドでは使用できません。
- すべての販売は最終的なものと見なされ、100%のキャンセル料が発生します。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。2030P1
- 1
- 2
- mkurosa0件の投稿平日AMがお勧めハリーポッター目当てで行きました。平日AMは空いています。 15分でハリーのアトラクションに乗れました。投稿日:2024年9月15日
- Maps8109540件の投稿エクスプレスパスは便利1日だけの予定だったため、エクスプレスパス付きのチケットにしました。ツアー会社のオプショナルツアーで申し込み、9時に入り5時お迎えのプラン。アトラクションはユ ハリーポッター2回、ハリーポッターの小さなジェットコースター、ハリーポッターの杖のアトラクション、カンフーパンダ、ミニオンのアトラクション2個、マリオカート、トランスフォーマー、リベンジオブザマミー、ジェラシックワールド、シンプソンズに乗りました。スタジオツアーは参加せず。 ・1日だけならエクスプレスパスは必須 ・4D&3D系が多く、乗り物酔いしやすい人は辛いかも。私はシンプソンズとハリーポッターはしばらく気持ち悪かったです。 ・ジェラシックワールド、マリオ、トランスフォーマー、リベンジオブザマミーはパークのメインよりも低い土地にあり、エスカレーター移動。これが結構長い。 ・ハリーポッターとリベンジオブザマミーのところは荷物をロッカーに入れるように言われます。そのロッカーが使いにくい。リュックを背負っていたため、大きめなロッカーを使う必要があり5ドルかかります。大きめといえど、ハリーポッターの方は普通のリュックを1個入れたらぎゅうぎゅう。かつ、使い方がわからない人がたくさんいて時間かかった。ハリーポッターの方は、チケットかざして、クレカとかで支払い。マミーの方は指紋を登録してクレカとかで支払い。マミーの方は多言語で説明があるんですが、ハリーポッターの方はそれがありませんでした。まぁ、なんとなくわかりますけどね。 ・映画とかを知らないと完全には楽しめないため、予習して行った方がいいのかも。 ・暑さ対策でいろんなところで大きな扇風機で霧吹きされてました。 ・スマホアプリはいれたほうがいいですさ。 ・太ってる人はサイズ的に乗れるかどうかを確認されたりしてました(乗り場の前に確認用の座席がある) エクスプレスパスを使えば、1日だけでも楽しめました。投稿日:2024年8月4日
- 5MXN0件の投稿スタジオツアーは必須誰もが知っている映画のアトラクションやスタジオツアーに大興奮! 特に一番お勧めなのはスタジオツアーです。かなり広い範囲のセットの中をバスで移動し、有名映画に使われた場所を説明してくれます。 ツアー中に幾つかのアトラクションもあり、ここだけでも来る価値があります。 規模自体は小さいですが、色々なアトラクションがあり十分楽しめます。 特にマリオワールドにあるマリオカートはとても楽しかったです。 なお、アトラクションはシングルレーンに並ぶと比較的スムーズに進みます。投稿日:2023年8月6日
- Lalaivy0件の投稿現在も利用されているハリウッド映画スタジオ現在も利用されている、ハリウッド映画スタジオです。VIPツアーだと、優先してアトラクションに乗れ、かつスタジオのセットを間近で見ることができおすすめです。投稿日:2020年4月10日
- nobuto03030件の投稿有名テーマパーク昔の日本のユニバーサルのように映画がメインのテーマパーク。日本にはないスタジオツアーはなんど参加しても楽しめる。実際に撮影で使ったものが多く見られる。ハリーポッターは開園直後でも最低1時間待ち。投稿日:2020年3月27日
- sugichigu0件の投稿スタジオツアーは必須息子の希望で行きました。日本にはないトランスフォーマーのアトラクションやカンフーパンダのグリーティングに熱狂していました。規模が小さめで、小さな子ども連れにもまわりやすく、良い遊園地でした。沢山乗ったなかでもとくにスタジオツアーは素晴らしかったです。感激しました。投稿日:2020年2月11日
- yukogoto0件の投稿少し狭く感じるFloridaのに比べたらやはり小さい。 山の上にできているので、エレベーターを使って違うセクションに行く。 ハリーポッターのセクションもかなり小さくてびっくりした。投稿日:2020年2月11日
- kumabrother0件の投稿VIP Experienceすごいよお値段は結構かかりますがVIP Experienceはとても良かったです。スタジオツアーでは実際のドラマの撮影セットの見学をしました。その後各アトラクションはすべてExpressで通れます。朝食と昼食もついてます。年末のかなり混雑している日でも全部のアトラクションを見て、好きなものは追加で体験する時間の余裕がありました。投稿日:2020年1月2日
- FarAway8097270件の投稿スタジオツアーは夜がオススメスタジオツアーは朝と夜の二回参加したのですが、夜が照明や演出などかあり断然オススメでした!時間があれば違いを比べても良いかも。 飲み物を持って飲みながらも参加できます。投稿日:2019年12月28日
- footybackpacker0件の投稿空いてた1人で行ったが十分楽しめた。平日で空いてたこともあるし、外国のテーマパークでノリも日本と全然違うことから恥じらいを忘れて楽しめました。投稿日:2019年11月10日
- yp490件の投稿半日でも楽しめますメトロで簡単に行けるので、朝一番に行くのがオススメ。スタジオツアーは必見。左側に座るのが良いかなと思います。投稿日:2019年11月1日
- Extraordinary8065090件の投稿スタジオツアーがおすすめとにかく広いです。はきなれた靴で歩くのがおすすめです。濡れる覚悟で乗るアトラクションとか二人で初めてのユニバーサル楽しんできました。投稿日:2019年10月30日
- pikao0件の投稿オフシーズンならエクスプレスPASSは要らない2019/10/15に訪問しました。貴重な一日を有効に使いたいと誰もが思って、高価なエクスプレスPASSを購入すると思いますが、18:00{閉園}いるのならスタンバイ{一般入場)で全てを乗れますよ。ソアリンとハリーポッターは午前中がお勧めします。15分待ちでのれました。 地下鉄と送迎バスで簡単に行けますよ。ブルーラインでユニバーサル駅で降りてエレベーターで地上に出てに右側のエスカレーターで上に上がり空中歩道橋を左側に行けば送迎バス(無料で)が見えて来ます。足に自身がある方は歩いても10分くらいで行けますが、ずっと上り坂です。閉園前には全て攻略したのでハリウッド、トレジョで買い物して帰ってきました。投稿日:2019年10月21日
- toshis1680件の投稿楽しかった!夏休み期間中だったので、水曜日に開演前に早めに行きましたが、園内に入れてハリーポッターの人気のライドに乗ることができて、大満足でした。ジュラシックパークのライドとウォーターワールドは、濡れることを覚悟していくとかなり楽しめます。早めに入園して、人気のライドを制覇することをお勧めします。投稿日:2019年9月18日
- ウエ0件の投稿公式サイトでチケットを買うとかなり安い。日本のUSJやシンガポールのUSSと同じ感じ。もちろんアトラクションが違うので、ゆっくり違いを楽しみながら見学できます。 大きく分けてエリアが2つある。開園時間が短いため、しっかり予定を立てないと全てのアトラクションをまわりきれません。 キャラクターとも写真がたくさん撮れるので時間がなくなったのかも…。 公式サイトでチケット購入しましたが1人30ドル割引になり、かなり嬉しかったです。投稿日:2019年9月9日
これらの口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。トリップアドバイザーでは、業界有数のトラスト&セーフティ基準の一環として、口コミの確認を実施しています。詳しくは、透明性に関するレポートをご覧ください。
Google提供の翻訳を含む場合があります。 Googleは、明示または黙示を問わず、正確性や信頼性の保証のほか、商品適格性、特定の目的への適合性、および偽造の排除に関する黙示の保証を含め、かかる翻訳に関連する一切の保証責任を否認するものとします。
Melanie D
2024年10月 • ファミリー
We purchased the RIP tickets, and while our Tour Guide Zach was amazing. The experience in the houses was absolutely terrible. We were rushed through by staff at every turn prohibiting us from being able to enjoy the houses at all.
When I reached out to Universal about it they basically said “too bad” I have been taking my kids to these houses for years and we will probably never return again. For over $2000 I don’t think we should be yelled at to “keep moving” when there was literally nowhere to go without running into the person in front of you.
Don’t waste your money, the local haunted houses are a better bargain!
When I reached out to Universal about it they basically said “too bad” I have been taking my kids to these houses for years and we will probably never return again. For over $2000 I don’t think we should be yelled at to “keep moving” when there was literally nowhere to go without running into the person in front of you.
Don’t waste your money, the local haunted houses are a better bargain!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Andrea P
2024年10月 • ファミリー
It was completely crowded. They threw you in like cattle, you saw every jump scare before you could get there. They just kept saying move along. Not worth the money. We only saw 4/8 because of the long wait times.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
チューリッヒ, スイス261件の投稿
A must for us every time we are in LA. The last time we went to the park was in 2018. This time the main reason for our trip was the horror nights we never did in Hollywood. On Saturday we were in the park during the day with express tickets. Pets was new to us- we found hearty and amusing. Without express, we would have had to queue here for an hour. Mariokart exactly the same. Since we know it from Florida, how tired such a day in the park makes (a lot of running!), we went to the Horror Nights on Sunday evening again with Express and Early Access. We recommend the Express Passes again and again. We know the price is very high but you are going to have fun and spend a nice holiday☺️ everything we liked very, very much. The Terror Tram we just found hammer, therefore made 2x 👻
As horror freaks we were not disappointed! Incredibly great evening!!!! 👻☠️🎃 fast service at the drinking food stands. Not like Europapark😉 I would come every year if I had the opportunity *Work
As horror freaks we were not disappointed! Incredibly great evening!!!! 👻☠️🎃 fast service at the drinking food stands. Not like Europapark😉 I would come every year if I had the opportunity *Work
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
dusty l
2024年10月 • カップル・夫婦
Dear Universal Studios Hollywood Team,
I am writing to express my deep disappointment with this year’s Halloween Horror Nights event. As a loyal visitor for 17 consecutive years, attending with my dedicated group and always opting for the RIP package, my expectations for your event have grown with each incredible experience you previously offered. Over the years, we have traveled a significant distance to be part of this special event, and it breaks my heart to see how the experience has continually declined, especially this year.
One of the most significant changes we've noticed is the shift in the quality and attentiveness of the RIP tour guides. Years ago, we had a tour guide with us for most of the night, making sure we had an experience tailored to our preferences, asking about specific attractions or areas we wanted to see, especially in the backlot. Unfortunately, this year, it felt like our tour guide could not wait to get rid of us, and there was no genuine effort to personalize our experience.
Speaking of the backlot, it used to be one of the highlights of Halloween Horror Nights. We would be dropped off in atmospheric areas like the Western set or Amity, fully transformed with haunting lighting, sound, and actors, creating an unforgettable Halloween ambiance. This year, not only was there no such haunting atmosphere, but we didn’t even receive a backlot tour at all.
Moreover, the perks that came with the RIP lanyards, which added great value to our tickets, are now completely gone. Previously, the lanyards offered discounts on food, drink, and merchandise, and even a couple of complimentary drinks at the bar, all of which have been taken away. This year, despite paying nearly $500 per ticket, we did not receive a single discount, let alone any complimentary drinks. This removal of benefits is disheartening, especially when we are paying more each year while receiving less in return.
In the past, the entire park was transformed into a haunting experience, with scare zones throughout the upper and lower lots, giving the entire park a chilling Halloween atmosphere. This year, there were only a couple of underwhelming scare zones in the upper lot, sparsely decorated, with very few scare actors present. The lower lot, which used to host elaborate setups like the incredible Silent Hill scare zone with its iconic nurses and stilt walkers, was left entirely untouched and uninspired.
In addition, the amenities for RIP guests have significantly declined. The small bar on the lower lot that offered a much-needed break for drinks or rest has disappeared, and the lounge access, which we used to rely on for relaxation during the night, was only available during odd hours—early in the evening before we had even begun, and after 11 PM when much of the event was already over. This lack of access to the lounge defeated the purpose of its existence and forced us to buy refreshments that had previously been included in our package.
The RIP lounge itself used to be a memorable part of the experience. It was decorated and haunted, complete with actors who would entertain us. I fondly remember eerie scenes, such as girls lying in caskets, actors with horses, and figures standing by coffins or spooky props that we could interact with and take photos with. These elements made us feel immersed in the Halloween atmosphere even during breaks. This year, however, there wasn’t a single prop in the lounge—nothing for us to photograph, interact with, or enjoy. It felt stripped of the spirit and importance that once made it a highlight of the night.
The quality of the shows has also diminished over the years. You seem to be relying on outdated properties like The Purge and Chucky, and while I was grateful to see the Jabbawockeez finally replaced, the Chucky show was, at best, disappointing, even worse than last year’s M3GAN performance. These "shows" were nothing more than short interruptions, without the engaging, cohesive storytelling we used to expect. We couldn't even enter the Chucky show with a cup of coffee we had just purchased, which felt like a needless obstacle for RIP members who are paying for a premium experience.
There was a time when we felt valued as returning RIP guests. We would receive collectible brochures and park maps—little tokens that added to the magic of the experience. Even those have vanished. The RIP lounge, once stocked with snacks and sodas for us while we waited for our tour guide, now stands empty.
One of my most cherished memories is witnessing my best friend's proposal to his now-wife during Halloween Horror Nights while we were RIP members. The event was once so special that it became a setting for life’s most important moments. But after this year, it feels like Universal is no longer interested in maintaining that magic for long-time fans like us. It’s clear you are now catering to a new audience—one that has not experienced the incredible events of years past and therefore doesn’t have the same expectations. Sadly, my group and I do. We gave Halloween Horror Nights one last chance this year, but it has left us with nothing but heartache and a decision to not return.
We invested time, energy, and considerable money into attending your event year after year, hoping for the incredible memories we once made. But with each cherished aspect taken away—the guide’s personal touch, the haunting backlot, the RIP perks, the immersive decorations—it has become impossible to justify the cost and the disappointment that follows.
Leaving Universal Studios this year, I did not feel like the excited fan who had just spent an exhilarating night filled with scares, laughter, and memories with friends. Instead, I left brokenhearted, realizing that the event I once loved is no longer the same. I hope that Universal can find a way to bring back the passion and effort that made Halloween Horror Nights a truly exceptional experience for those of us who have been so loyal for so long.
I am writing to express my deep disappointment with this year’s Halloween Horror Nights event. As a loyal visitor for 17 consecutive years, attending with my dedicated group and always opting for the RIP package, my expectations for your event have grown with each incredible experience you previously offered. Over the years, we have traveled a significant distance to be part of this special event, and it breaks my heart to see how the experience has continually declined, especially this year.
One of the most significant changes we've noticed is the shift in the quality and attentiveness of the RIP tour guides. Years ago, we had a tour guide with us for most of the night, making sure we had an experience tailored to our preferences, asking about specific attractions or areas we wanted to see, especially in the backlot. Unfortunately, this year, it felt like our tour guide could not wait to get rid of us, and there was no genuine effort to personalize our experience.
Speaking of the backlot, it used to be one of the highlights of Halloween Horror Nights. We would be dropped off in atmospheric areas like the Western set or Amity, fully transformed with haunting lighting, sound, and actors, creating an unforgettable Halloween ambiance. This year, not only was there no such haunting atmosphere, but we didn’t even receive a backlot tour at all.
Moreover, the perks that came with the RIP lanyards, which added great value to our tickets, are now completely gone. Previously, the lanyards offered discounts on food, drink, and merchandise, and even a couple of complimentary drinks at the bar, all of which have been taken away. This year, despite paying nearly $500 per ticket, we did not receive a single discount, let alone any complimentary drinks. This removal of benefits is disheartening, especially when we are paying more each year while receiving less in return.
In the past, the entire park was transformed into a haunting experience, with scare zones throughout the upper and lower lots, giving the entire park a chilling Halloween atmosphere. This year, there were only a couple of underwhelming scare zones in the upper lot, sparsely decorated, with very few scare actors present. The lower lot, which used to host elaborate setups like the incredible Silent Hill scare zone with its iconic nurses and stilt walkers, was left entirely untouched and uninspired.
In addition, the amenities for RIP guests have significantly declined. The small bar on the lower lot that offered a much-needed break for drinks or rest has disappeared, and the lounge access, which we used to rely on for relaxation during the night, was only available during odd hours—early in the evening before we had even begun, and after 11 PM when much of the event was already over. This lack of access to the lounge defeated the purpose of its existence and forced us to buy refreshments that had previously been included in our package.
The RIP lounge itself used to be a memorable part of the experience. It was decorated and haunted, complete with actors who would entertain us. I fondly remember eerie scenes, such as girls lying in caskets, actors with horses, and figures standing by coffins or spooky props that we could interact with and take photos with. These elements made us feel immersed in the Halloween atmosphere even during breaks. This year, however, there wasn’t a single prop in the lounge—nothing for us to photograph, interact with, or enjoy. It felt stripped of the spirit and importance that once made it a highlight of the night.
The quality of the shows has also diminished over the years. You seem to be relying on outdated properties like The Purge and Chucky, and while I was grateful to see the Jabbawockeez finally replaced, the Chucky show was, at best, disappointing, even worse than last year’s M3GAN performance. These "shows" were nothing more than short interruptions, without the engaging, cohesive storytelling we used to expect. We couldn't even enter the Chucky show with a cup of coffee we had just purchased, which felt like a needless obstacle for RIP members who are paying for a premium experience.
There was a time when we felt valued as returning RIP guests. We would receive collectible brochures and park maps—little tokens that added to the magic of the experience. Even those have vanished. The RIP lounge, once stocked with snacks and sodas for us while we waited for our tour guide, now stands empty.
One of my most cherished memories is witnessing my best friend's proposal to his now-wife during Halloween Horror Nights while we were RIP members. The event was once so special that it became a setting for life’s most important moments. But after this year, it feels like Universal is no longer interested in maintaining that magic for long-time fans like us. It’s clear you are now catering to a new audience—one that has not experienced the incredible events of years past and therefore doesn’t have the same expectations. Sadly, my group and I do. We gave Halloween Horror Nights one last chance this year, but it has left us with nothing but heartache and a decision to not return.
We invested time, energy, and considerable money into attending your event year after year, hoping for the incredible memories we once made. But with each cherished aspect taken away—the guide’s personal touch, the haunting backlot, the RIP perks, the immersive decorations—it has become impossible to justify the cost and the disappointment that follows.
Leaving Universal Studios this year, I did not feel like the excited fan who had just spent an exhilarating night filled with scares, laughter, and memories with friends. Instead, I left brokenhearted, realizing that the event I once loved is no longer the same. I hope that Universal can find a way to bring back the passion and effort that made Halloween Horror Nights a truly exceptional experience for those of us who have been so loyal for so long.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Amy Ryann Rezulak
Elmwood Park, IL1,665件の投稿
For almost 30 years now our family has attended Universal Orlando 1-3 times a year every year. My family has never been with me to Universal Hollywood and I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate one of our family member’s birthday. This did not disappoint! Was worth the 4.5 hour flight to get to from our state.
Parking: we selected on site closest lot. Worth every penny. They provided free fruit snacks and water upon entry. Parking attendants/cashiers were helpful and kind.
TSA/security: very detailed and rapid process
Guest Services: needed to stop there for a personal matter for someone in our party. Very friendly, professional and accommodating. Answered our questions and rapid service. Had great a/c in there as well.
Excellent acting and character interactions in the park. Beetlejuice was a big highlight. My daughter liked seeing Lucy, Marylin and Hello Kitty.
Highlights: City Walk, TRAM, seeing the Psycho House and Bates Motel(including photo opportunity) Jurassic World, Mummy, Secret Life of Pets, meeting one of our favorite YouTubers that was there, the views - the mountains look gorgeous, really liked they had nods to classics and Alfred Hitchcock.
Food highlight: Stay Puft Smore for HHN. We had good service and fresh food at Johnny Rockets.
Any constructive feedback: Starbucks (location near Transformers and LeatherFace/Panda Express area) Starbucks staff at this location were extremely rude, unprofessional, unprepared, and made drinks wrong. Felt very unwelcoming in there. Everyone was too busy horse-playing and being catty. Waste of our $32
All areas were handicapped accessible and easy to navigate.
Clean spaces including bathrooms.
Will we return? Absolutely! Can’t wait to go back!
Parking: we selected on site closest lot. Worth every penny. They provided free fruit snacks and water upon entry. Parking attendants/cashiers were helpful and kind.
TSA/security: very detailed and rapid process
Guest Services: needed to stop there for a personal matter for someone in our party. Very friendly, professional and accommodating. Answered our questions and rapid service. Had great a/c in there as well.
Excellent acting and character interactions in the park. Beetlejuice was a big highlight. My daughter liked seeing Lucy, Marylin and Hello Kitty.
Highlights: City Walk, TRAM, seeing the Psycho House and Bates Motel(including photo opportunity) Jurassic World, Mummy, Secret Life of Pets, meeting one of our favorite YouTubers that was there, the views - the mountains look gorgeous, really liked they had nods to classics and Alfred Hitchcock.
Food highlight: Stay Puft Smore for HHN. We had good service and fresh food at Johnny Rockets.
Any constructive feedback: Starbucks (location near Transformers and LeatherFace/Panda Express area) Starbucks staff at this location were extremely rude, unprofessional, unprepared, and made drinks wrong. Felt very unwelcoming in there. Everyone was too busy horse-playing and being catty. Waste of our $32
All areas were handicapped accessible and easy to navigate.
Clean spaces including bathrooms.
Will we return? Absolutely! Can’t wait to go back!
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2024年9月 • ファミリー
We had so much fun! Great food, fun walk throughs, so movie like! Demetrius was so sweet and helpful. We lost an important ticket and he went out of his way to find it for us. Exceptional customer service! He deserves a raise!
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2024年9月 • カップル・夫婦
Amazing night, but be warned, not for those who don't like a scare.
Went last night and was amazing. 1st time doing this night. Managed to do all 10 haunted houses and also the nitro circus as well, which was amazing.
Be warned it's a long night. Started at 5 pm, left the park at 2.15am, and had done over 26000 steps.
Food and drink were reasonable prices. The actors were great, scaring all along the way between haunted houses to visit.
Notice this is not for children. My partner is 37 and came out of the 1st house crying due to the scares.
Deffinatly one to do again next year.
Went last night and was amazing. 1st time doing this night. Managed to do all 10 haunted houses and also the nitro circus as well, which was amazing.
Be warned it's a long night. Started at 5 pm, left the park at 2.15am, and had done over 26000 steps.
Food and drink were reasonable prices. The actors were great, scaring all along the way between haunted houses to visit.
Notice this is not for children. My partner is 37 and came out of the 1st house crying due to the scares.
Deffinatly one to do again next year.
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Marcel Mo
ベルリン, ドイツ4件の投稿
I was there this year on the opening day of horror nights.
This was my second time at the Halloween horror nights in Hollywood.
It was absolutely great again!
The ghost houses you walk through are so faithfully recreated in the movies. Really incredible how much effort Universal Studios put in here.
And the actors managed to scare my partner and me every time.
On waiting times:
We had an express pass, which is quite expensive.
But it can be worth it on the horror nights.
Waiting times without an express pass were 20-65min, depending on the attraction.
For an amusement park, that's still normal, I think.
I can absolutely recommend the Halloween horror nights to every Halloween/horror fan! Of course, the Express Pass is much more fun.
The only attraction I didn't like so much this year was the Horror Tram. Here it was not possible to be frightened due to the many people who were allowed through at the same time.
I would definitely come back!
On the other hand, Halloween events in Germany are unfortunately a bad joke! ..
This was my second time at the Halloween horror nights in Hollywood.
It was absolutely great again!
The ghost houses you walk through are so faithfully recreated in the movies. Really incredible how much effort Universal Studios put in here.
And the actors managed to scare my partner and me every time.
On waiting times:
We had an express pass, which is quite expensive.
But it can be worth it on the horror nights.
Waiting times without an express pass were 20-65min, depending on the attraction.
For an amusement park, that's still normal, I think.
I can absolutely recommend the Halloween horror nights to every Halloween/horror fan! Of course, the Express Pass is much more fun.
The only attraction I didn't like so much this year was the Horror Tram. Here it was not possible to be frightened due to the many people who were allowed through at the same time.
I would definitely come back!
On the other hand, Halloween events in Germany are unfortunately a bad joke! ..
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Gabriel G
Not bad, but not positively surprised me, who knows the horror time of Hopi hari does not ask for much, found few monsters on the street and very long queues half abandoned , no swallows interaction with the theme
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Frank D
2024年7月 • カップル・夫婦
The park's attention to detail is simply incredible. Every corner is meticulously crafted to whisk you away into different universes, from Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter to the futuristic landscapes of Transformers: The Ride-3D. The rides were thrilling beyond belief; we screamed with delight on the Jurassic World ride and felt our hearts race on the exhilarating Revenge of the Mummy roller coaster.
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Thank you for the enthusiastic review, Frank! With our goal of bringing movies to life, we are thrilled to know that we were able to transport you into each universe with our attention to detail. Thank you for visiting us, and we hope to see you again soon!
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Is this an additional ticket cost that is not included with the Universal Studios entrance ticket?