提供:Wildwood Adventures
観光ポートランドから休憩して、その日のオレゴンコーストハイウェイに向かってください。その道を知っている人に運転を任せなさい。あなたのガイドはHaystack Rockのようないくつかの絵のような場所に立ち寄るので、あなたは公共のビーチやビーチタウンに慣れることができます。 12人までの少人数のグループでミニバンで旅行します。
所要時間: 8 時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- オレゴンコーストハイウェイガイド付きポートランド発日帰り旅行
- 贅沢なミニバンは交通機関を快適にします
- 絵のように美しいビーチ、町、州立公園に立ち寄る
- 少人数での体験で混雑したバスツアーをスキップ
- 高級なハイルーフ乗用バンでの輸送
- 知識豊富で地元のフレンドリーなガイド
- ボトルウォーター
- エアコン付き車両
- ツアー中のライブ解説
- 入場:Ecola State Park
含まれないもの- ランチ
- チップ (ツアーを楽しんでいただけた場合は、20% のチップをお勧めします)
- 出発場所:
- 900 SW Taylor St, Portland, OR 97205, USASW 9th Ave と SW Taylor St の交差する通りにある Director Park の角の 1 つにお迎えにあがります。
終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす非対応
- 介助動物の同伴可
- 近くに公共交通機関あり
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- 1回の予約につき最大12人
- オレゴン州の沿岸の天気は予測できない可能性があるので、層をまとったドレス
- ほとんどの方が参加できます
- このツアー/アクティビティの最大催行人数は12名です
- 開始日の24時間前までにキャンセルされた場合、全額返金の対象となります。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。9634P5
- 900 SW Taylor St, Portland, OR 97205, USASW 9th Ave と SW Taylor St の交差する通りにある Director Park の角の 1 つにお迎えにあがります。
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4通過Oregon Coast Highway
- 5
- 6
- 7
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Jackie B
メキシコシティ, メキシコ6件の投稿
2024年10月 • カップル・夫婦
It was very beautiful everything, I would definitely repeat it with the family. Jake was a Super Guide, amazing facts about Portland and its surroundings plus a great vibe.
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Carol D
Dominique was a wonderful tour guide!She has a vast knowledge of the areas she shared with us. She was an excellent driver, kind and considerate. I sure hope we get to ride with her again one day!!!
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Rubia Dente
サオ ミゲール ド オエステ, ブラジル8件の投稿
We had a beautiful tour, despite the fog on the beach that made it impossible for us to see the beauty of the beaches. Our guide David was very kind and helpful throughout the entire tour. Thank you Wildwood Adventures.
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マノー, テキサス州4件の投稿
Peter was an amazingly smart and friendly host with a wealth of knowledge to offer us. Thanks for showing us some of the most beautiful sights of the Oregon coast!!
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Bridget P
ロサンゼルス, カリフォルニア18件の投稿
Great tour! It was about 1.5 hours to get from Downtown Portland to the coast. The bus was comfortable. The tour guide had a bit of an attitude at first and she could have slowed down around a few corners, but we lived to write a review! The views were fabulous. The group was very quiet. There were a few solo travelers and a few friend groups and a couple. So you could do this solo if interested.
I would recommend this company. Glad we did this tour!!
I would recommend this company. Glad we did this tour!!
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ルイスヴィル, ノースカロライナ州45件の投稿
What an incredible adventure! We traveled to the coast with Andy and Mel. They were so knowledgeable and patient with my elderly parents and aunt. We originally thought we could just drive to the coast ourselves. What a mistake that would have been! Andy knew the history of the area and many great viewing areas that we would have missed. We returned with hundreds of beautiful phptos and a deeper and richer knowledge of this beautiful place.
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オーランド, フロリダ州18件の投稿
2024年5月 • ファミリー
Excellent, highly recommended. Sorry I didn't write our guide's name down, but he was knowledgeable and we enjoyed the entire day. From Ecola Point (site of the Fratelli family's hideout in the Goonies) overlooking Cannon Beach, down to Haystack Rock's tide pools due to a super low tide, Oswald West overlook, and Short Sand Beach.
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デンバー, コロラド州218件の投稿
2023年8月 • ファミリー
I waited several weeks before writing this review, thinking I might cool off a bit with time. I have not.
After reading every review on TA on Oregon Coast tours we opted to go with Wildwood Adventures.
Our tour was on Saturday, August 5th at 9:00 am.
We arrived a bit early and a tour van was packed full and just preparing to depart. The tour guide of that van was very friendly and stated that we were booked on the next van that would be pulling up shortly. Indeed it arrived just a minute later.
We were delighted to have only seven tourists plus the guide/driver on our tour. There was plenty of room to spread out and be comfortable. We were expecting a wonderful eight hour trip full of tons of information on the area. Past reviews on TA raved about their guides and how informative they were, knowledgeable about the area, the wealth of info they got on the trip and how much fun it was. I won't mention our guide's name, but let's just say he was not one of them mentioned on the positive TA reviews I read.
Yes, the van left on time, we made it to the coast, saw some beautiful sights, ate at Cannon Beach and made it back safe and sound. The drive felt safe and we arrived back to Portland just shortly after our scheduled time. While our driver was courteous it was very obvious he either hated his job or just did not want to be there. It felt like maybe he was called into work on a day he would otherwise have had off. We certainly didn't have the same experience as all of the 4 and 5 star reviews I had read. Although he would answer any questions we had, there was not much volunteered info from him or tour commentary. It was a very blah trip and frankly, we couldn't wait to get back to Portland.
I'm not sure what happened, but we certainly didn't have the same experience as the other's listed on here. I have taken more than 15 guided tours all over the world. This was, without a doubt, the most disappointing. We paid $300 for two of us. If I knew what I was getting that day, I would not have even paid $100! We had a rental car and I could have driven the route and got a guide book on the area for free from AAA and could have gotten more information than what we received from our tour guide. I got the impression that we were not the only ones frustrated and disappointed.
I only tipped 10% and it was difficult handing that over. The tour guide we had was just terrible. I regret spending the money and wasting our time on this tour.
Safe travels.
After reading every review on TA on Oregon Coast tours we opted to go with Wildwood Adventures.
Our tour was on Saturday, August 5th at 9:00 am.
We arrived a bit early and a tour van was packed full and just preparing to depart. The tour guide of that van was very friendly and stated that we were booked on the next van that would be pulling up shortly. Indeed it arrived just a minute later.
We were delighted to have only seven tourists plus the guide/driver on our tour. There was plenty of room to spread out and be comfortable. We were expecting a wonderful eight hour trip full of tons of information on the area. Past reviews on TA raved about their guides and how informative they were, knowledgeable about the area, the wealth of info they got on the trip and how much fun it was. I won't mention our guide's name, but let's just say he was not one of them mentioned on the positive TA reviews I read.
Yes, the van left on time, we made it to the coast, saw some beautiful sights, ate at Cannon Beach and made it back safe and sound. The drive felt safe and we arrived back to Portland just shortly after our scheduled time. While our driver was courteous it was very obvious he either hated his job or just did not want to be there. It felt like maybe he was called into work on a day he would otherwise have had off. We certainly didn't have the same experience as all of the 4 and 5 star reviews I had read. Although he would answer any questions we had, there was not much volunteered info from him or tour commentary. It was a very blah trip and frankly, we couldn't wait to get back to Portland.
I'm not sure what happened, but we certainly didn't have the same experience as the other's listed on here. I have taken more than 15 guided tours all over the world. This was, without a doubt, the most disappointing. We paid $300 for two of us. If I knew what I was getting that day, I would not have even paid $100! We had a rental car and I could have driven the route and got a guide book on the area for free from AAA and could have gotten more information than what we received from our tour guide. I got the impression that we were not the only ones frustrated and disappointed.
I only tipped 10% and it was difficult handing that over. The tour guide we had was just terrible. I regret spending the money and wasting our time on this tour.
Safe travels.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback. We apologize that you didn’t feel like your tour was top notch. We have very high expectations of all our guides. Everybody on our team has remained with us because of their passion for travel and nature and their enthusiasm to share that with visitors. Our training is very thorough for all guides, and safety, knowledge, and friendliness should be top priority on each and every tour.
We wish we had known about this instance sooner, but we also understand the delay. We encourage you to give our main office a call to chat with one of our managers if there may be more to add or if there is anything else you think we should know about your experience. We will be investigating this further to make sure this is not an ongoing issue, as it is absolutely not ok.
If you ever find yourself back in the Portland area, we would love a second chance to explore with you and make things right!
Thank you,
Wildwood Adventures
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
2023年8月 • 友達
The tour guide/driver was beyond sketchy, terrible at the actual tour guide part but also got road rage and gave the impression he was just very “off” the entire time, felt very uncomfortable and unsafe, got bitchy when gave no tip
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this information! We take feedback like this very seriously, and we will be investigating the situation, your concerns, and addressing this with the guide. This is not something we have ever encountered before with your guide during their five years with our company, nor is it representative of what we strive to provide as a tour operator. The guide you travelled with has more than 100 glowing, 5-star reviews, and we were very surprised to receive this feedback.
Safety is always our number one priority for all guests and guides, and we are dismayed to learn that you felt unsafe during your tour. We also expect our guides to be friendly and knowledgeable for every single product that they operate. We would be grateful for the opportunity to chat with you over the phone so that we are able to uncover more information.
Thank you,
Wildwood Adventures
この回答はTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、施設管理者の主観的な意見です。
Francis A
2023年7月 • ファミリー
Highlight of our time in Oregon, the coastal region is simply beautiful.
The guide was super knowledgeable about Portland and Oregon in general, and gave us a good number of recommendations for our time there.
Thank you so much for the lovely experience!
The guide was super knowledgeable about Portland and Oregon in general, and gave us a good number of recommendations for our time there.
Thank you so much for the lovely experience!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
I am looking to book a sightseeing tour for my mother, 92 yrs young and he 91 yr old boyfriend. Is there a lot of walking on your tour? They are mobile, but walking a lot can be challenging. Any suggestions would b welcome. The trip is 8/20.
I agree with the others. Quite a bit of walking, sometimes over uneven surfaces
How long do we spend at each site? What kind of van do we travel in?
It's a very nice van, if I remember correctly it was a Mercedes. Not a typical van, more like the hotels use to take guests to and from the airport. The typical stop lasted for approximately 30 minutes I would guess. Most of the time was in the van, good thing often because of the weather.
I will be out in Oragan from May 13 until May 20th, or longer. I am just one person who REALLY want to get a chance to take this tour of the Irgan Coast. When. Can I get a resveration. The tour seems to Always be sold out.
I am VERY interested in other tours of the Area. Day trips or longer. Can you help?
Hi Ann, try to check availability by visiting the official website of the tour operator: wildwoodtours
The coast tour seems to be available during that period in the official site
Best Regards
I am very interested in the stops at the Parks ... how much time is allowed there (Ecola and Oswald West)? Is there time to take any hikes in these parks?
Hi, the tour was about 8 hours. It was nice as it was multiple stops so it didn't feel like you were riding in a van all day. Andy was very conscience of the time and had us all back in Portland at 5:00 p.m.
My group of 3 have booked a tour for July24th, I received a voicemail from Wildwood Adventures regarding modifications of the tour due to ongoing maintenance . I could not understand what he was saying about the modifications, and what was actually changed. Can you tell me what is changed on the tour? I’m sure it will still be amazing, I’m just curious as to what has been changes and what we can expect to see.
The above answer by adamcinj sounds very reasonable as the answer to your question. I will also say that our guide told us they can be reached directly at any time. I'd give them a call! When I called to confirm our pick up time, the receptionist was very kind and efficient.
Hi Brian,
What time did you arrive back into Portland after your coast tour?
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