提供:India Easy Trip
所要時間: 5 時間
開始時間: 空き状況をチェック
- あなたのグループだけのためのプロのガイド。
- リシケシのほとんどの地域への送迎。
- すべての税金、手数料、手数料
含まれないもの- 食べ物や飲み物
- チップ
- 含めて言及されていないもの。
- 出発場所:複数の送迎場所があります。送迎の詳細
- 出発地: リシケシュのすべての中央に位置するホテル/アシュラム。 日付: 毎日 戻り値: ピックアップポイントと同じです。
ホテル送迎サービスあり決済時に、対象となるホテルのリストから選択できます。終了場所:このアクティビティは、集合場所に戻って終了します。 - 車いす非対応
- 乳幼児は膝の上にお乗せください
アクセシビリティについてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。8128P5- 予約時に確認メールをお送りします
- 腰痛のある方にはおすすめしません
- 妊娠中の方にはおすすめしません
- 心疾患や、その他の重大な疾患がある方は参加できません
- ある程度の体力が必要です
- ショートパンツやノースリーブのトップスは不可。女性の場合、膝と肩が覆われている必要があります。
- 背中に問題のある参加者にはお勧めできません。
- 心臓病やその他の深刻な病状のある参加者にはお勧めできません。
- 妊娠中の女性にはお勧めできません。
- 表面がでこぼこしているため、このツアーは歩行障害や車椅子を使用している方にはお勧めできません。
- ピックアップの手順については、予約時にホテル名または携帯電話番号をお知らせください。
- 丘陵地帯での運転のため、車両は非エアコンとなります。
- ツアーのタイミングはあまり柔軟ではありません。渋滞が発生して時間がかかる場合もあれば、観光客が訪れる場所によってはさらに時間がかかる場合もあります。
- こちらはプライベートツアー/アクティビティです。 お客様のグループのみが参加されます
- 開始日の24時間前までにキャンセルされた場合、全額返金の対象となります。
- このツアーに関する質問がある場合や予約のサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 以下の連絡先にお電話のうえ、次の商品コードをお知らせください。8128P5
Ingrid F
ビール, スイス64件の投稿
What a wonderful and unique experience it was to do this trek! I highly recommenf it!
Please note however, that for beginners this trek might be a bit tough. The terrain is at times rough and some paths are in a natural state (i.e. not maintained), so take proper hiking/trekking shoes. I took my poles, they helped a lot. I'm a beginner and could manage only because I exercise regularly and I'm in good physical condition.
The best thing about this tour was the guide, Rudra. A kind and helpful person. He has serious mountaineering experience, so you'll be in good hands. As a solo female traveler, I always felt safe.
The sunrise from the temple was amazing! The feeling of seeing the sun come out from in between the Himalayas is very special and finding words to describe how magnificent this is, is almost impossible. On the way down from the temple, we had time for breakfast and a longer stop on the trek down to the waterfall. The whole tour was simply great. I'm a seasoned traveler, having visited close to 60 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas and this tour ranks up there as one of the best travel experiences I've ever had.
Please note however, that for beginners this trek might be a bit tough. The terrain is at times rough and some paths are in a natural state (i.e. not maintained), so take proper hiking/trekking shoes. I took my poles, they helped a lot. I'm a beginner and could manage only because I exercise regularly and I'm in good physical condition.
The best thing about this tour was the guide, Rudra. A kind and helpful person. He has serious mountaineering experience, so you'll be in good hands. As a solo female traveler, I always felt safe.
The sunrise from the temple was amazing! The feeling of seeing the sun come out from in between the Himalayas is very special and finding words to describe how magnificent this is, is almost impossible. On the way down from the temple, we had time for breakfast and a longer stop on the trek down to the waterfall. The whole tour was simply great. I'm a seasoned traveler, having visited close to 60 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas and this tour ranks up there as one of the best travel experiences I've ever had.
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
リシケシ, インド23件の投稿
If you're looking for the perfect way to start your day I'd recommend booking this tour. Although bloomin' cold for the 7am 1600 metres up sunrise start, the view is absolutely breathtaking. Pictures do not do it justice!
The trek down the hill was just as beautiful, with so many sights and wildlife to marvel at but would be tricky for anybody not steady on their feet.
The best part of all was my fantastic guide Sunni, who not only has vast knowledge of the plants and animals around you, but is clearly in love with his job and brought such positivity and quiet enthusiasm to our trek. I would definitely recommend!
The trek down the hill was just as beautiful, with so many sights and wildlife to marvel at but would be tricky for anybody not steady on their feet.
The best part of all was my fantastic guide Sunni, who not only has vast knowledge of the plants and animals around you, but is clearly in love with his job and brought such positivity and quiet enthusiasm to our trek. I would definitely recommend!
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Hi, I would like to book as a solo traveller for 1st January. How can I do that please?
I was wondering if it’s possible as a solo traveller to join in with other people as it says min 2? Thanks :)
Hi i would like to book a group in next week please on Wednesday for 16 pax? how do I do this
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