Tofu House Inle Lake
Tofu House Inle Lake
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00


バブル評価 5 段階中 5.040件の口コミ

Chit Su
ヤンゴン, ミャンマー11件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
I visited Inle Lake last December as my third visit. During the previous times, I didn't know about this Tofu Village but this time, I read about the village on social media and decided to go. It was my favorite experience during the trip. You only need to pay 2 or 3 dollar as the entrance fees but this include the free-ticket to try all the food in the village. I got the chance to see, experience and try the process of making Myanmar snacks. Some are sweet, some are sour, some are salty - but everything is SUPER DELICIOUS!!! And the way they make these snacks is very clean and healthy with no artificial ingredients. The villagers were so kind and gladly let me try their snacks. I bought so many tasty snacks back to home. I will definitely visit this Tofu House (Tofu Village) again!
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Lilli H
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2020年3月 • 友達
Wir kamen spontan in den Ort Khaung Dine und wurden von Mr. Zaw freundlichst in Empfang genommen. Der Spaziergang durch das Dorf und die Blicke hinter die Türen der alten Holzhäuser waren sehr spannend. Äusserst interessant die ganze Handarbeit und Produktion, mit für uns altertümlichen Werkzeugen, zu beobachten. Zwischendurch durften wir immer wieder naschen und zum Abschluss mit allerlei Snackvariationen (Fried Tofu Salat :) und grünem Tee verwöhnt. Mr Zaw war ein guter Gastgeber, sehr gesprächig und hat uns im Anschluss einen super Ausflug mit dem Longtailboot vermittelt. super easy, vielen Dank
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Manon D
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
Absolument parfait ! La visite est géniale, on apprends plein de choses et pas seulement sur le tofu mais sur pas mal de spécialités du coin. Mr Zaw réponds également à toutes les questions concernant le lac. Puis on fini en beauté avec un "apéro dînatoire" délicieux. Pour 5000 Kyat , foncez !
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Katrine W
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2020年2月 • ファミリー
Vi fik en rigtig varm velkomst af Mr. Zaw, som er rigtig god til engelsk. Vi fik the og snacks inden turen gik rundt i landsbyen. Vi besøgte flere små lokale hjem som lavede mange forskellige former for snacks, kager og Tofu. Han var rigtig god til at forklare processerne bag produkterne. Efter rundturen havde hans kone lavet en rigtig fin frokost til os. Med Tofu-salat, stegt Tofu og en masse forskellige snacks.
Efter frokosten hjalp han os med at finde en båd der kunne sejle os over på den anden side af søen.
Turen kan klart anbefales.
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バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2020年2月 • カップル・夫婦
Me and my gf arrived here by just cycling around and because of Mr Zaw seemed to be very nice and not agressively selling his tour, we wanted to check it. It was very nice! We enjoyed to see the local life and how the products are made. At the end we got a lovely lunch. Very nice, we would definetely recommend this to anyone who is going to inle. Greetings from Finland :)
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ビビオーネ, イタリア206件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2020年1月 • カップル・夫婦
Capitati per caso gironzolando in bici.
Tour davvero molto interessante: si possono vedere tutte le fasi della lavorazione del tofu e si assaggia tutto quello che preparano. È bello vedere che non lavorano per i turisti ma solo per il loro villaggio.
Mr. Zaw è preparatissimo e, si vede, molto innamorato del suo villaggio e del suo lavoro. Una chicca? prima di partire offre il te con qualche stuzzichino e al ritorno la moglie ha preparato un buonissimo pranzo!
L’offerta è libera ma vale assolutamente la pena essere generosi.
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Lindsay M
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
Meeting Mr. Zaw was one of the highlights of my trip. His enthusiasm for his country, culture, family, and business is beyond contagious and I loved every minute of our afternoon together. Being able to truly see how a village makes, creates, and sustains brings perspective to travelers and the amount of goods produced in this village was impressive. Mr. Zaw is open and friendly and will answer all questions inquired. The food was absolutely amazing and I hope to one day recreate it. This is a MUST DO for anyone in Inle Lake.
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サント マクシム, フランス14件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2019年11月 • カップル・夫婦
Visite imprévue et super chouette. Très instructive. Cet homme est juste super gentil !!!! Je recommande vraiment ce tour dans le village
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シンガポール, シンガポール49件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
2019年11月 • 友達
Mr. Zaw’s tour of the village was detailed and informative. He warmly welcomed us with tea and snacks then showed us how they make chickpea tofu, traditional sweets and their local liquor. At the end, he served tofu salad and more snacks, all of which were delicious and filling enough that none of us needed lunch. The toilet was the cleanest I’ve seen in the country and there’s a water refill station too. The best part is we were a small group and you can pay what you wish. He even helped us arrange a boat to transport us and our bicycles across the lake. For those coming from Nyaung Shwe, it’s just a minute down from Tofu Palace. All in all, a great experience!
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Gillian West
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2019年11月 • カップル・夫婦
We went here on our cycle ride to the lake. Being vegan it appealed to us.
We were greeted with tea and nibbles of sunflower seeds. This was followed by freshly made tofu rice crackers, then followed by fried tofu with a dip. All very tasty.
We were then taken on a tour of the village shown how rack of the things were made, sweet and savory and got to try a sample of each.
It was a very interesting tour.
The price is a recommended donation of 5000 which is about £2.50. well worth it
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2024年 Tofu House Inle Lake - 出発前に知っておくべきことすべて - トリップアドバイザー
