Eremo San Pellegrino

Eremo San Pellegrino

Eremo San Pellegrino



バブル評価 5 段階中 4.548件の口コミ

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Isabella V
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2024年10月 • ファミリー
Caltabellotta is simply worth a visit. Friendly people, fascinating streets and the mountain Castello 10 min. Walking is a must indescribable view. Bar Pucio village entrance super nice service. The best olive oil, can be watched.
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ロレーヌ, フランス78件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
2023年4月 • ファミリー
Très jolie vue panoramique sur la vallée et la mer.
Village typique, dans son jus, sans commerces sur la vieille ville.
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マルタ島, マルタ682件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
2021年6月 • カップル・夫婦
There is a car park at the bottom of the steps which already has a lovely view. If you are energetic you can climb the steps and get another stunning view and see the nice buildings. It was closed on our visit but apparently when open you can visit the caves underneath which have nice wall paintings from long ago.
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Angelo S
Lucca Sicula, イタリア39件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2020年8月 • ファミリー
...e la sua storia sull'uccisione del drago mangia-bambini da parte di S. Pellegrino ha finalmente zittito i miei due pestiferi marmocchietti! 😁
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ローマ, イタリア195件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
2020年8月 • カップル・夫婦
Leggendo su internet di questo paese e del suo Eremo abbiamo deciso di fare una passeggiata da Sciacca! Paese a quasi 1000 metri arroccato su un lato di una montagnola davvero suggestivo! Si arriva all'eremo inerpicandosi sulle stradine del paese ma devo dire che ne vale veramente la pena. Attenzione l'eremo è aperto solo nei week-end. Arrivati abbiamo trovato delle ragazze molto educate e preparate che ci hanno guidato all'interno raccontandoci la storia di San Pellegrino. Se vi capita recatevi in questo posto splendido. La fatica di poche scale in salita ne vale la pena!
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Silap Inua
ゴールウェイ, アイルランド63件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
Carved into a mountain rock face above the medieval town of Caltabellotta, the Eremo or Monastery of San Pellegrino seems to hang dizzyingly, gravity defyingly in mid air when viewed from the valley below. Superbly worth a visit. The road up is tortuous and the final flights of stone stairs aren’t for the faint-hearted but the view from the top is dazzling. And the story of St Pellegrino and the monastery and its early church and its caves and its dragon are well worth hearing. The guide in the beautiful little church at the entrance to the monastery and its vaults will beguile you-despite a limited command of English – with the story of the place. The monastery dates from the 17th century but it is built on the site of an earlier church associated with Saint Pellegrino. Below the church lie a series of caves where a mythological dragon is supposed to have lived and fed on the children of the village below, until Saint Pellegrino appeared on the scene. The saint slayed the dragon whose cave is still a spooky, damp underground passage you can walk into. On the walls are some spectacular frescoes. The guide wasn’t able to date them but they certainly are medieval. One looks as if it might be St Pellegrino himself. And the story of the cakes? Well as told by our guide when the holy Saint first arrived in Caltabellotta he was hungry and asked a woman for some bread. She refused! The Saint was none too pleased and waited until she put the next batch of bread into her stone over. When the time came to remove it, the Saint was still hanging around watching; watching to see her re-action when each of the loaves she expected had been turned to stone!. Thereafter the Saint, who might have slain the dragon to save the village’s children but wasn’t entirely forgiving when refuse bread, established his first church over the dragon’s cave and spread the Gospel wide and far across the valleys. Go visit the Eremo. We didn’t get access to the main building but what we saw was intriguing. Today its little cells are being restored, perhaps with a view to being made available to visitors and pilgrims as are the cells at Rila Monastery in Rila, near Sophia, in Bulgaria.
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バブル評価 5 段階中 3.0
2019年2月 • ファミリー
L'Eremo è situato nella parte più alta del paese, da qui si gode di un bel panorama. Bella la chiesetta purtroppo non accessibile come il resto della struttura.
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キアッソ, スイス137件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2018年8月 • 友達
Un po nascosto ma è raggiungibile con auto. Vi aspetta una storia raccontata da ragazze competenti. I dipinti e gli affreschi cosi ' antichi vi lasceranno a bocca aperta!!
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バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
2018年7月 • カップル・夫婦
Het loont echt de moeite om helemaal tot boven re rijden. Meerdere keren gestopt onderweg en boven een prachtig zicht op het dorp en zee.
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トレビソ, イタリア709件の投稿
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.0
2018年6月 • ファミリー
La gita a Caltabellotta è caratterizzata dalla voglia di vederel'abitato, salendo sempre più sù verso l'Eremo che, però, è chiuso per non meglio definiti lavori. In realtà, al chiosco della piazzetta alla base non avevano tempistiche certe sulla riapertura. Peccato.
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2025年 Eremo San Pellegrino - 出発前に知っておくべきことすべて - トリップアドバイザー
