Spiaggia Papesca
Spiaggia Papesca
5 km圏内に9件
10 km圏内に9件
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タウリザーノ, イタリア110件の投稿
2024年7月 • カップル・夫婦
Second beach seen in Lipari on my beach tour. After seeing Canneto I stop at this beautiful beach and the expectations I had were respected. Clean and clear water and relaxation assured. Recommendation if you decide to sea a tour of the beaches of Lipari. The beach is accessed by a downhill staircase but nothing challenging.
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claudio d
ビテルボ, イタリア44,690件の投稿
2024年6月 • ファミリー
Between the long beach of Canneto and the area of the former quarries of Pomice, in Porticello (where there is also a beach), there are two coves: the first that you meet from the south is precisely the beach of Papesca (the next is instead the beach of Lido White Beach), which is enclosed between Punta di Sparanello, to the south, and the promontory of Capo Rosso, to the north. To get there you have to take a path, not particularly long, which starts right from the northern end of the beach of Canneto (remember, if you stay in Lipari center, that in Canneto you can get there by bus); the path, especially when it climbs from Canneto to pass Punta di Sparanello and then in the stretch where it descends to the beach of Papesca (in some places the slope is significant), consists essentially of stairs, but can be covered for the most part by strollers, except for the very last stretch (which are still 97 steps). Once this beach (but also the subsequent ones up to Porticello) was known as a white beach, for the presence of pumice; today the beach is no longer white (I would say rather gray more or less clear) just as the water is no more than that intense turquoise of the past (but when the sun rises and you look at the beach from above, you will see the sea colored turquoise for a band about 15 meters thick from the shore) because there is no longer the pumice of the past, even if some pieces are still easily found. The beach, like all the beaches of Lipari, is not composed of sand but of pebbles of various sizes and colors, where in some stretches, especially at the ends, real stones are added, even large ones. The pebbles are obviously also found in the water, which is therefore transparent (as well as clean and, when we were there, also calm; attention that after a few meters becomes deep). The beach can ideally be divided into two sectors: the northern one where most of the beach is occupied by the sunbeds and umbrellas of a bathing establishment (the ends remain free) and the southern one, which can be reached by bypassing a rocky tip that reaches the shoreline: this stretch is wilder, with the corrugated and colorful lava wall behind it that often breaks onto the beach, sometimes reaching almost to the water; here there are frequent large lava boulders, in which the glassy and obsidian phases are clearly evident (but this beach is not among the most suitable for collecting obsidian, because here it is mostly impure). This is the area I liked the most and, as far as I am concerned, Papesca beach is the one I liked the most in Lipari. Warning for those with small children in tow (but this applies to all the beaches of Lipari): bring rock shoes; always for those with small children, at the southern end of the beach there are some small patches of coarse sand with which to make them play more easily.
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ニューヨーク シティ, ニューヨーク州153件の投稿
2024年7月 • ファミリー
There are only a few beaches in Lipari, all rocky, Canetto and Acquacalda being the best. This beach is down a treacherous very very steep and slippery dirt road, and once you get the bottom there is a beach club or very little public space to lay your belongings. IMHO not worth the trek here. Difficult to swim because of the rocky entrance. It is also called White beach but it’s not white.
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ファエンツァ, イタリア88件の投稿
2024年5月 • カップル・夫婦
splendid beach equipped with sunbeds, clear water, bus stops in front, excellent ice cream at the bar where you can also have lunch
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Roberto C.
ビラガルディア, イタリア225件の投稿
2023年6月 • カップル・夫婦
Abbiamo optato per arrivarci di seguire la stradina pedonale che sale dalla fine di Canneto, splendido panorama. Spiaggia attrezzata, ottimamente gestita da Filippo, ma qui sembra che la cortesia e la discrezione sia di casa anche con tutti i suoi collaboratori. Io consiglio la sua Granita di Limone ma soprattutto la cucina, ottima. Spiaggia a Giugno 18€ pranzo come tutta Lipari e probabilmente tutta Italia, non propriamente economico ma magari è un mio pensiero 20€ spada ,freschissimo e BUONISSIMO, alla griglia. Consigliatissimo.
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la Gina
ロンバルディア, イタリア4,959件の投稿
Mi limito a recensire la parte pubblica e non il lido, in questa spiaggia MATTUTTINA si arriva attraversando tutta canneto, dopo la rotonda del capolinea, con qualsiasi mezzo, a piedi auto scooter e taxi ( non fidatevi di Daniele) comoda e economica la navetta che parte dal molo di Lipari basta dire al conducente dove volete scendere, alla scritta beach c'è una bella scalinata e brutta al ritorno, la spiaggia è ciottolosa attenzione anche alla caduta di fichi d'india, acqua bellina, servono scarpette per i sassi , ombrellone acqua e gambe per le scale, la spiaggia non è paradisiaca
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Giuseppe F
ナポリ県, イタリア24件の投稿
2022年8月 • カップル・夫婦
Bellissima spiaggia non manca nulla, ci può arrivare con il taxi del mare oppure da un bel sentiero a picco sul mare che parte da Canneto....da non mancare
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2022年7月 • カップル・夫婦
Lido tranquillissimo, acqua trasparente, sulla quale è possibile vedere galleggiare le pietre pomice. Prezzo nella media (21 euro per due lettini ed un ombrellone). Bar discreto. Consigliato.
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Valeria S
2022年7月 • カップル・夫婦
Detta anche ex spiagge Bianche per via della presenza delle cave di pomice...spiaggia bellissima, c'è sia un lido privato che spiaggia libera con calette molto belle...acqua spettacolare...c'è sempre la presenza di sassi quindi sono consigliate le scarpette...al lido un ombrellone e due lettini costano 21 euro..mai mangia bene ma abbiamo aspettato più di mezz'ora perché il proprietario molto antipatico ha detto che l'importante era che il cibo arrivasse perché lui era senza 3 persone!!! Alla spiaggia si arriva tranquillamente con autobus di linea...ultima fermata di Canneto e poi un percorso a piedi di 15 minuti abbastanza fattibile
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カターニャ, イタリア737件の投稿
Durante il nostro lungo soggiorno a Lipari siamo venuti più volte in questa spiaggia a 15 min. dal centro di Lipari.Si raggiunge tranquillamente in bus (lascia nella piazzetta centrale, ma fa anche altre fermate) il mare è pulitissimo, e benchè ci fossero lavori di ristrutturazione del marciapiede lato spiaggia siamo stati benissimo. Senza contare la splendida vista Panarea-Stromboli. Unica pecca....mancanza di docce libere e assenza totale di cestini in spiaggia. La spiaggia è di ciottoli , quindi è consigliato avere le scarpe da scoglio
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