Parco Marino del Plemmirio
Parco Marino del Plemmirio
8:00 - 14:00
8:00 - 14:00
8:00 - 14:00
8:00 - 14:00
8:00 - 14:00
Parco Marino del Plemmirioを満喫するイチ押しの方法
5 km圏内に573件
10 km圏内に160件
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Evelyne W
2024年9月 • ファミリー
Can anyone tell me where there's a way to get to the bay? We wanted to go down by the lighthouse but had no chance over the many pointed rocks plus there were high cliffs. We didn't see a way down??
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ボローニャ, イタリア83件の投稿
2024年8月 • ファミリー
Very quaint but be careful you do not get to the lighthouse to take a nice bath. You enter the center gate and along the way you will find Lido twenty3, with also indications for gate 23. If you want to take advantage of the free beach, park first and you will find a small street that borders two beaches with a public shower.
These indications are due because, despite a small difficulty in reaching a bathing place, the Marine Park is worth visiting and enjoying.
I was lucky enough to see a starfish and corals.
It deserves the walk and the swim.
These indications are due because, despite a small difficulty in reaching a bathing place, the Marine Park is worth visiting and enjoying.
I was lucky enough to see a starfish and corals.
It deserves the walk and the swim.
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Daniele N
2024年7月 • 友達
It far exceeded the expectations I had of these beaches.
Although some entrances are difficult to cross, the sea that you discover is of unique beauty. The rocky and deep seabed makes the water crystal clear and transparent even several meters from the coast.
Although some entrances are difficult to cross, the sea that you discover is of unique beauty. The rocky and deep seabed makes the water crystal clear and transparent even several meters from the coast.
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2024年6月 • 友達
Magical place with intense blue and green colours. We followed the route along the coast starting from gate 34 towards the elephant arch.
It is a very suggestive place that offers amazing panoramic views.
You have to live it to understand it.
Absolutely recommended.
A hat with visor and sun cream are also recommended for the route because it is obviously exposed to the sun.
The route is quite easy, partly on a path and partly on sea stones but very simple and suitable for everyone.
It is a very suggestive place that offers amazing panoramic views.
You have to live it to understand it.
Absolutely recommended.
A hat with visor and sun cream are also recommended for the route because it is obviously exposed to the sun.
The route is quite easy, partly on a path and partly on sea stones but very simple and suitable for everyone.
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Fabio C
パレルモ, イタリア1,352件の投稿
2024年4月 • カップル・夫婦
Interesting place easily accessible on foot, leaving the car a few hundred meters away. Agile path that leads to Farò, very fascinating although it seems abandoned....I hope for a prompt recovery as it is very vandalized
Large plateau of flat rocks overlooking the sea.
Large plateau of flat rocks overlooking the sea.
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Insa H
2023年10月 • ファミリー
Very nice bays for snorkeling with cliffs and blue water. Lots of rocks, not suitable for small children. In October we had the small bay (varco 34) almost to ourselves.
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david d
ローマ, イタリア238件の投稿
2023年9月 • カップル・夫婦
The plemmirio is certainly a gift of nature, a place of magical beauty but ... I found everything very abandoned, untreated and left to decay. Restaurants that you can't tell if they are closed or open - abandoned resorts probably closed or bankrupt but everything left so abandoned - parts of roads collapsing onto the sea - abandoned paths and ... in short it could be a wonderful place but .... it's a long time speech
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france m
ツーロン, フランス35件の投稿
2023年10月 • カップル・夫婦
Thank you tripAdvisor for allowing us to discover PLEMMIRIO.
Gate 27 is no longer accessible for swimming except for diving.
Gate 23 offers us a nice dive. Wear a mask and snorkel, as well as water shoes.
Finally door 4?? Or Lido fly beach just a small beach with transparent water and in October no one except us.. plan a picnic all the restaurants close at the end of September but frankly very very beautiful discovery
Nothing in the guides fortunately there is trip advisor
Gate 27 is no longer accessible for swimming except for diving.
Gate 23 offers us a nice dive. Wear a mask and snorkel, as well as water shoes.
Finally door 4?? Or Lido fly beach just a small beach with transparent water and in October no one except us.. plan a picnic all the restaurants close at the end of September but frankly very very beautiful discovery
Nothing in the guides fortunately there is trip advisor
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Francesca T
2023年9月 • カップル・夫婦
Driven by the various reviews we read, we headed to this area, we took gate 34 which is wonderful, then we moved to the lighthouse and there, pay attention to the cars. We had left two backpacks and they opened the car for us. Don't leave anything in the car if you stop in these areas!
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パレルモ, イタリア31件の投稿
2023年8月 • カップル・夫婦
My review is terrible certainly not because this place is not a wonder of nature, but because of how it has been reduced by man. Every year I go on holiday to the seaside and I choose Plemmirio, a nature reserve where you can snorkel and see all kinds of fish. I like to stay on the rock and watch the sea, this year I didn't find any accommodation on the place so we went specially. My disappointment in seeing the rocks and reefs full of any waste, from plastic to cigarette butts and more, I had to clean up before I could spread out my tarp in the place where I put myself every year. The fish were almost non-existent while there were too many people. I think that place will never be the same as before, maybe in winter or next year in May/June. We have no respect for anything, God has given us a wonderful world, but we are not grateful for anything.
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Vorrei sapere dove è possibile accedere al mare con facilità per persone che hanno difficoltà di deambulazione, evitando i lidi a pagamento che hanno prezzi esorbitanti.
Non posso aiutarti comunque in internet esiste una mappa con i varchi con livello di accessibilità
Bonjour, nous voudrions aller depuis syracuse aux portes 34, 27,28. Mais où se situent elles dans la péninsule. Au nord vers maddalena ? Ou au sud vers plemmerio car je n'arrive pas à voir merci.
buongiorno domani sarò in Sicilia e intendo trascorrere una giornata in questo parco bellissimo pero dalle varie recensioni non riesco a capire delle cose da che ora di può andare?per ogni ingresso c'è un parcheggio? è fattibile in una giornata fare da nord a sud?
フィデンツァ, イタリア
Ciao, sapete se c'è la possibilità di fare il giro di tutta la penisola della maddalena con imbarcazioni? Da dove partono? Avete dei recapiti? Purtroppo mi muovo con 3 bambini e io, dopo il mio ultimo trauma ortopedico non riesco a camminare a lungo, non posso arrivare fino al faro della punta a piedi o in bici ...
Buonasera, quale spiaggia in zona consigliereste per andarci con un neonato di poco più di un anno? Grazie
Varco 35 (su Maps Spiaggia del Minareto) spiaggia libera o varco 21 spiaggia di Terrauzza lido attrezzato con pochi sassi
volevo sapere se ci sono delle navette via mare per raggiungere alcune spiagge della riserva del plemmirio se esistono potreste fornirmi un riferimento?
Poi mi sapreste dire quali sono le piú belle spiagge da vedere?
Si può prenotare un barcone di quelli che stazionano a fianco del ponte Umberto. Le spiaggette sono tante è difficile dale consigli, Massoliveri è bellissima ma ci sono molti scogli e la spiaggia è piccola, oppure andare verso Terrauzza dove una volta c'era la TONNARA. Più semplice scendere alla spiaggua della Maddalena che io non so oggi in quali condizioni si trovi.
Buongiorno, mi recheró a breve presso la riserva del Plemmirio e vorrei rivolgere una domanda a chi è già stato o comunque conosce bene l'area. Quali sono le spiagge facilmente raggiungibili o che comunque non necessitano di particolare attrezzatura per affrontare il percorso? Ho letto di quella dello sbocco 34, fotografata nella classifica di skyscanner, ma si arriva alla scogliera e dopo non ho ben capito la fattibilità o meno della discesa.
Grazie in anticipo a chi risponderà.
Conosco bene la zona, ma non so dirle nulla dello sbocco 34, se è indicato dovrebbe essere praticabile fino al mare. Comunque il mare al Plemmirio è più adatto a nuotatori esperti e persone che non desiderano grandi spiagge con ombrelloni e sdraio. Le spiagge sono poche e piccole. A Massoliveri c'è una spiaggetta deliziosa, piccola e circondata da mare è bellissimo, ma non adatto a bambini piccoli.
Io non ho pubblicato foto, ma solo una recensione riguardante la spiaggetta di Massoliveri.
Ciao, ho visto le foto che ha pubblicato e vorrei sapere dove devo recarmi per visitarli. Quali sono gli sbocchi che lei ha visitato?
Io sono stata nella riserva, ma nessuno mi ha saputo indicare i posti in foto.
Io non ho pubblicato foto, ma solo scritto una recensione. I posti da me visitati sono: la spiaggetta della Maddalena, il faro Massoliveri, Carrozza, Costa Bianca e altri di cui non so il nome, ma può recuperare piantine alla Pro Loco di Siracusa (poco dopo Porta Marina)con segnati tutti i varchi. La foto che è sul mio indirizzo riguarda il Porto Picco di Siracusa che si vede dal piazzale delle Poste o dai giardini di viale Regina Margherita.
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