Castello di Agira
Castello di Agira
5 km圏内に26件
10 km圏内に26件
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sandro n
ミラノ, イタリア7件の投稿
2024年9月 • 友達
Place with spectacular views but needs to be kept better. It is located in the center of Sicily, exit on the CT-PA motorway at the junction of Agira, go up for about 15 minutes by car and you get to Agira, which is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. To reach the Castle, you have to climb to the top of the village but you arrive by car.
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Fede r
シチリア島, イタリア18件の投稿
2024年3月 • カップル・夫婦
My partner and I are fans of castles. Every time we go to a new place, if there is a castle nearby we go to visit it. We couldn't not go here, a place close to home!
To get there, we partly used Google Maps but mostly relied on signs.
Road after road we reached a point where we could no longer proceed by car. Unfortunately there is no real parking space and people often proceed to the entrance in defiance of the ban. We left the car in a makeshift place and started walking. I don't recommend exploring on hot days and at peak times, as the road is all uphill and this makes it tiring. However, step by step, you arrive under the ruins and from there there is a nice view (in the distance you can see Lake Pozzillo). To go up to the "castle" there is a staircase made up of high boulders. This stretch is also tiring but worth it, considering that it is a place to visit only once in a lifetime.
There isn't much left of the castle, but it's always fascinating to see a historic place. I get lost in imagining what kind of life they could lead at the time, their habits, their customs. I recommend doing the same, perhaps accompanied by good company and a sunset.
To get there, we partly used Google Maps but mostly relied on signs.
Road after road we reached a point where we could no longer proceed by car. Unfortunately there is no real parking space and people often proceed to the entrance in defiance of the ban. We left the car in a makeshift place and started walking. I don't recommend exploring on hot days and at peak times, as the road is all uphill and this makes it tiring. However, step by step, you arrive under the ruins and from there there is a nice view (in the distance you can see Lake Pozzillo). To go up to the "castle" there is a staircase made up of high boulders. This stretch is also tiring but worth it, considering that it is a place to visit only once in a lifetime.
There isn't much left of the castle, but it's always fascinating to see a historic place. I get lost in imagining what kind of life they could lead at the time, their habits, their customs. I recommend doing the same, perhaps accompanied by good company and a sunset.
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Walter C
2024年4月 • 友達
Spectacular view from the highest part of the castle but unfortunately the structure is completely abandoned. Any type of service is missing. Another site in Sicily with great potential that has not been exploited. Such a pity!
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Iva S
プラハ, チェコ共和国700件の投稿
02. 09. 2021 Castello di Agira - Impressive ruins of a castle. A long hike up the hill to the castle, but it can be done. Beautiful view. More Youtube travel video PSIS-visit. Iva + Petr, Prague CZ
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ピエーヴェ・エマヌエーレ, イタリア5,959件の投稿
Salire su al castello è piuttosto faticoso, poiché il paese si presenta tutto in salita ed il castello si trova proprio in cima. Però ne vale assolutamente la pena!!! La vista è magnifica e su si sta benissimo. Anche il tragitto per salire è estremamente caratteristico e piacevole. Un borgo davvero SPLENDIDO! <3
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2020年7月 • ファミリー
La vista sul lago Pozzillo, seconda solo per bellezza a quella che si può ammirare ad Erice, è un esperienza così emozionante, che la prima cosa che abbiamo pensato, è come sia possibile che un tale luogo sia così poco conosciuto e valorizzato, nonostante quello che abbia da offrire.
Del castello non è rimasto moltissimo, ma la cosa che reputo gravissima è l'averlo utilizzato come deposito per macchinari delle antenne. Classica mala gestione siciliana.
Con altre 'menti' a gestire il tutto, sarebbe una delle prime mete dell'intera isola.
Da vedere assolutamente
Del castello non è rimasto moltissimo, ma la cosa che reputo gravissima è l'averlo utilizzato come deposito per macchinari delle antenne. Classica mala gestione siciliana.
Con altre 'menti' a gestire il tutto, sarebbe una delle prime mete dell'intera isola.
Da vedere assolutamente
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アジーラ, イタリア12件の投稿
2019年9月 • 一人
Partire a piedi dalla parte bassa del paese, per arrivare fin su in cima, al Castello, dove la stanchezza lascia il posto a una meravigliosa vista!
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シクリ, イタリア569件の投稿
2019年8月 • カップル・夫婦
Difficoltoso da raggiungere (ridotto a pochi ruderi e ad una chiesetta che ab antiquo era la cappella del castello), come d'altronde la stessa città di Agira che nel complesso risulta carina. Dal belvedere antistante la chiesa del Salvatore la vista é magnifica e ripaga gli sforzi fatti per salire fin lassù. Da vedere!
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シチリア島, イタリア1,588件の投稿
2019年5月 • 友達
Dovrebbero valorizzare questi luoghi invece che abbandonarli, un luogo sperduto pieno di erbacce e attorno distruzione
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
Fabio D
マスカルチーア, イタリア418件の投稿
2018年5月 • カップル・夫婦
Raggiungerlo è una impresa, specie in auto: strade strette e salite impressionanti, però una volta arrivati, un panorama stupendo e la delusione di un rudere lasciato in stato di abbandono. Consiglio di approfittare per raggiungerlo dei tour della proloco che in occasione della sagra della cassatella di Agira, organizzano visite in pulmino.
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