Khmer Pub Street
Khmer Pub Street
Khmer Pub Streetとその近隣エリアの人気アクティビティ
Bernd J
クラウスドルフ, ドイツ205件の投稿
Wer sich nicht im typischen "Touri-Ambiente" aufhalten möchte ist diese Pub Street zu empfehlen. Sie liegt nur wenige km entfernt von der überlaufenen Pub Street im Zentrum von Siem Reap und ist mit dem TukTuk problemlos und günstig zu erreichen. Die Kommunikation ist - so zumindest mein Eindruck - schon eine Herausforderung, da hier so gut wie kein!!! Englisch gesprochen wird und auch in den Lokalen und Biergärten sind die Speise- und Getränkekarten in Khmer. Aber der Kontakt ist mit etwas gutem Willen durchaus herstellbar und die lustigen Gespräche mit den freundlichen "local people" bereiten viel Spass und Freude. Das ist deutlich kostengünstiger als in der Stadt sei nur der Ordnung halber erwähnt. Also - ausprobieren und sehen was der Abend ergibt.
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William N
シェム リアップ, カンボジア22件の投稿
2019年7月 • 友達
Siem Reap has two pub streets: the tourist magnet downtown, and another one a short distance away frequented by local people that’s called “Khmer Pub Street.”
A local fellow I met once told me the hostesses who work on Khmer Pub Street are much more beautiful than the ones downtown, but they don’t speak English, so if I went there by myself I would spend the evening alone. And we all know how it feels to see a beautiful woman in a club and be too shy to approach her, don’t we, Guys? Well, when my Khmer friend Vanna invited me to go out with him and his friends to Home Songsa, (my treat), I jumped at the chance!
At the restaurant I wasn’t disappointed. The hostesses were all dressed up “to the max”, and were the kind of girls you see in a club at the table next to you drinking beer and dancing with their friends and who you will never meet because their parents don’t approve of them talking to foreign men. Exactly the kind of girls I like, but these were very friendly.
After about four (or was it five?) hours of lively conversation and innumerable pitchers of draft beer, it was sadly time for me to go home. But I’d had lots of feminine attention, which was a little hard for me to get used to at first: in the US women tend to avoid looking directly at me, not because I’m ugly or anything, but, you know how in the big pet stores they have these special rooms for the puppies with a sign on the door that says not to come in unless you’re serious about buying a puppy? Well, that’s how I am. I’m a big, lovable puppy who needs a good home and lots of petting.
Lucky for me Vanna was driving, or I would have gotten lost on the way home for sure. Thanks, Dude.
A local fellow I met once told me the hostesses who work on Khmer Pub Street are much more beautiful than the ones downtown, but they don’t speak English, so if I went there by myself I would spend the evening alone. And we all know how it feels to see a beautiful woman in a club and be too shy to approach her, don’t we, Guys? Well, when my Khmer friend Vanna invited me to go out with him and his friends to Home Songsa, (my treat), I jumped at the chance!
At the restaurant I wasn’t disappointed. The hostesses were all dressed up “to the max”, and were the kind of girls you see in a club at the table next to you drinking beer and dancing with their friends and who you will never meet because their parents don’t approve of them talking to foreign men. Exactly the kind of girls I like, but these were very friendly.
After about four (or was it five?) hours of lively conversation and innumerable pitchers of draft beer, it was sadly time for me to go home. But I’d had lots of feminine attention, which was a little hard for me to get used to at first: in the US women tend to avoid looking directly at me, not because I’m ugly or anything, but, you know how in the big pet stores they have these special rooms for the puppies with a sign on the door that says not to come in unless you’re serious about buying a puppy? Well, that’s how I am. I’m a big, lovable puppy who needs a good home and lots of petting.
Lucky for me Vanna was driving, or I would have gotten lost on the way home for sure. Thanks, Dude.
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