プランの掲載順は、スポンサー料に基づきます。 客室タイプは異なる場合があります。
各掲載施設の予約プランには、提携サイトからのスポンサー提供も含まれます。 表示される料金は、部屋のタイプによって異なります。 表示される料金は、予約可能な最低価格です。ユーザーが検索した時点で提携サイトが提供する最も安い客室タイプに基づきます。
ちいさなペンション おやこばと
〒299-5201 千葉県 勝浦市 市野郷719-5
名称と住所 (現地の言語)
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- 絞り込み
Arriiving friday late afternoon after leaving Tokyo, we were happy to have found this charming log-house type establishment. With only two or three rooms, it is a small establishment, but the hospitality of the japanese home is undeniably beyond what anyone from a western heritage could expect.
We were the only guests on this one night stay - husband, wife and 2.5 y.o. son - in which both dinner and breakfast were included. For a cost of slightly over 8000 yen per person, this was a phenominal bargain. The meals were home-made from the self grown vegetables right down to the caramel sauce on the pudding desert - excellent.
As to the rooms themselves, it should be noted that we use them primarily for sleeping. Which is to say we really don't need anything more than the futons and a place to put our things. Having said that, the room was spacious with TV, numerous children VCR videos of the more famous beloved Anime's and some Disney films. There was a two-piece toilet in the room as well. The shared bathing facility was large and easily usable. While there was no Onsen here, there was a large ten-ish person Sento-style bath. Everything was very clean and well kept.
While the immediate surrounding area had nothing of notable 'tourist' interest, the surrounding nature certainly makes up for it. Our purpose was to visit the "Zou no Kuni" - "Elephant Land" - zoo some 45 minutes north of this B and B. However, there were a number of pamphlets available here showing other available tourist attractions within the region.
To make this B and B the base for a couple of days of time away from the big cities is definitely worth every penny...er...Yen... As a family, we certainly recommend this establishment!
We were the only guests on this one night stay - husband, wife and 2.5 y.o. son - in which both dinner and breakfast were included. For a cost of slightly over 8000 yen per person, this was a phenominal bargain. The meals were home-made from the self grown vegetables right down to the caramel sauce on the pudding desert - excellent.
As to the rooms themselves, it should be noted that we use them primarily for sleeping. Which is to say we really don't need anything more than the futons and a place to put our things. Having said that, the room was spacious with TV, numerous children VCR videos of the more famous beloved Anime's and some Disney films. There was a two-piece toilet in the room as well. The shared bathing facility was large and easily usable. While there was no Onsen here, there was a large ten-ish person Sento-style bath. Everything was very clean and well kept.
While the immediate surrounding area had nothing of notable 'tourist' interest, the surrounding nature certainly makes up for it. Our purpose was to visit the "Zou no Kuni" - "Elephant Land" - zoo some 45 minutes north of this B and B. However, there were a number of pamphlets available here showing other available tourist attractions within the region.
To make this B and B the base for a couple of days of time away from the big cities is definitely worth every penny...er...Yen... As a family, we certainly recommend this establishment!
滞在時期: 2012年5月旅行タイプ:家族旅行
客室選びのポイント: This B and B type establishment is very rural and is actually very easy to miss when trying to...
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料金は提携サイトから提示されたもので、1泊あたりの宿泊料金を反映しています。また、提携サイトが把握している税金やサービス料を含みます。 詳細については、提携サイトを参照してください。
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ちいさなペンション おやこばとに関するよくある質問
ちいさなペンション おやこばとに近い人気観光スポットを教えてください。
周辺の観光スポットには、千葉県立中央博物館大多喜城分館(7.1km)、月の沙漠記念像(7.3km)、いすみ ポッポの丘(7.8km)があります。
ちいさなペンション おやこばと周辺に史跡はありますか。
多くの旅行者が、出雲大社(6.6km)、Large Well(7.1km)、光善寺(6.9km)を訪れています。