So this was our lodging for one night - an abandoned elementary school in Miyoshi. 出合小学校。I admit I'm kind of creeped out by the thought at first but hey, YOLO right??? 😂😋😚
When we were looking for accommodations in Iya Valley, we realised that the area had few options and were not very accessible. The idea of staying in an abandoned school was both interesting and frightening!!!
However, the pictures we saw on swayed our decision, and the novelty of experiencing something like this was just too good to pass up. And now that I've stayed the night, I highly recommend this place!!!
I already missed the two ladies who made us pizza and served us coffee, and shared with us a picture yearbook of the school. They could have left as it was past working hours when we arrived to check in at the hostel. But they stayed for us. And I realised we didn't even manage to get their names!!! 😭😭😭
I wished our room was warmer though but it is winter anyway. The Internet/WiFi signal was also almost zero. Hmmm... But I guess this place would be awesome in summer!! I'm already imagining having BBQ at night on the front yard...😎🤗😍