The Star Theatreで開催されるコンサートの開演時間と、仕事上のリモート会議の時間が隣接してしまい、やむなく会場近くの当ホテルに前泊し、リモートワーク用に活用しました(リモート会議が土曜日だったので、コワーキングスペースも使えなかった)。部屋のインターネットの速度も十分で、リモートワーク用としては過不足なかったと思います。ただし部屋は狭く、スーツケースを広げるには難儀しただろうと思われるので、旅行用としては注意が必要です。また、部屋置きのペットボトルもありません。それ以外は、この立地を考えるとお値段も良心的で、お勧めできるホテルです。
パーク アベニュー ロチェスター ホテルのMarketing、 Park Avenue Management Teamからの返信
Dear Morrissey-METAL, We appreciate your feedback regarding the Wi-Fi issue, and we will address this matter with our IT team to ensure smooth connectivity. We appreciate your feedback about the room, and we are continuously working on updates and improvements. We sincerely apologise for any confusion regarding our policy on providing bottled water in the rooms. As part of our commitment to sustainability and reducing single-use plastic waste, we have recently installed filtered water taps in our rooms to provide guests with a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water. We understand that some guests may still prefer bottled water, and we are happy to accommodate such requests upon inquiry. We hope to welcome you back for a much-improved experience. Regards Team of Park Avenue Hospitality Group
Dear Fartaro, Thank you for your feedback. We trust you had an enjoyable stay with us and we hope to welcome you back soon. Thank you/with best regards Karen SAW (Ms) Director-Operations
Dear kmasamasam, Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We're delighted that you have enjoyed your stay with us. We will extend your appreciation to our Duty Manager Lynn Tay and Guest Relations Executive Suh Fang for a job well done. We look forward to welcoming you back to our hotel in the very near future. Thank you/with best regards Karen SAW (Ms) Director-Operations
Best to check directly with the hotel; but actually my small room had no carpets; I also stayed in a suite later that week and it was all hard floors plus a couple of small mats. So I think it would work for you!
Dear Alio,
I am sorry, I do not know about the hotel's animals policy.
This is a question you would have to ask of the manager at the hotel.
Kind regards
It's about a mile from the university. There is a bus #95 it seems or you can get the subway from Buona Vista Station to Kent Ridge - 2 stops on the CC line. Or even get a taxi - they are cheap in Singapore. I wouldn't recommend walking given the weather and all the busy large roads. When I stayed at this hotel I was at a conference at the hotel and didn't go to NUS. But I did use Buona Vista station, which is very close to the hotel.