2015年3月にオープンした葵 HOTEL KYOTOは、河原町駅から徒歩5分、八坂神社から徒歩13分とアクセスも良く、観光には最適な立地です。鴨川沿いのデラックスルームは、全部屋鴨川と東山が一望でき、広々としたバルコニーから春夏秋冬、色とりどりの京都を堪能することができます。 滞在中は、徒歩10分の場所にある先斗町またはショッピング&エンターテイメント地区の祇園を探索できます。JR京都駅、清水寺、平安神宮までいずれも車で15分以内、伊丹空港(大阪国際空港)まで車で1時間です。
Dear Hsiao T,
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
We are happy to tell you that we do provide Yamato courier service in case you want to send your luggage to any location inside of Japan. May it be the next hotel or the airport, we will gladly assist you with filling out the slips we provide at our hotel. However, please note that you will have to pay for any resulting sending fees and that we usually prepare slips that are for payment upon arrival inside of your room. However, depending on the destination they might not accept payment upon arrival and in this case we would need your credit card details since we will need to do payment upon shipping and we would then withdraw the resulting fee from your credit card.
We hope that this answered your question.
Should there be anything unclear or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Aoi Hotel Kyoto
Dear Maggie,
Thank you for your inquiry.
We are very glad to help guests to make restaurant reservation if the reserved date is in the stay period, however, if the requested reserved date is before or after the stay period, we are very sorry but we are unable to accept the request.
We hope this reply could be helpful to you.
Best Regards,
Aoi Hotel Kyoto