アロヒラニ リゾート ワイキキビーチのGuest Services / Front Office、Guest Servicesからの返信
Aloha Trip735521, Mahalo for choosing 'Alohilani for your recent stay in Honolulu. We are delighted you had a wonderful visit and enjoyed our perfect location and sumptuous food options. We greatly appreciate your feedback and we've shared them with the relevant department. It was a pleasure hosting you, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Mahalo nui loa, Guest Services
アロヒラニ リゾート ワイキキビーチのGuest Services / Front Office、Guest Servicesからの返信
Aloha Coastal10426237653, Mahalo for sharing your experience with us. We extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have encountered during your stay with us. Our utmost priority is to provide exceptional service and ensure our guests' comfort. Your valuable feedback has been duly shared with our management team. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your stay in greater detail, and therefore, kindly request you to reach out to us directly to request a meeting with our Manager on Duty. We once again extend our deepest apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Mahalo, Guest Services
アロヒラニ リゾート ワイキキビーチのGuest Services / Front Office、Guest Servicesからの返信
Aloha チェチリア 橋, Mahalo for choosing 'Alohilani for your recent stay in Honolulu. We are pleased to receive your positive feedback regarding our highly excellent staff and comfortable room, and we express our gratitude for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We have taken due note of your comments and have shared them with the relevant department to ensure that we maintain our high standards of service. It was a pleasure hosting you, and we look forward to the opportunity of welcoming you back for another stay in the future. Mahalo nui loa, Guest Services
アロヒラニ リゾート ワイキキビーチのGuest Services / Front Office、Guest Servicesからの返信
Aloha Roam36587986935, Mahalo for choosing to stay with us and sharing your experience. We greatly appreciate your kind words regarding our comfortable room, stunning scenery, and exquisite amenities. However, we deeply apologize for any situation in which we may not have exceeded your expectations. Your valuable feedback will be carefully incorporated into our continuous efforts to enhance our services. Should you wish to discuss your stay further, please reach out to us directly. Once again, thank you for staying with us. Mahalo nui loa, Guest Services
Aloha, current evening offer at Longboard club is 4pm to 8pm which focusing on wine selection and cheese pairing. It will be very light snacks. Mahalo!