プランの掲載順は、スポンサー料に基づきます。 客室タイプは異なる場合があります。
各掲載施設の予約プランには、提携サイトからのスポンサー提供も含まれます。 表示される料金は、部屋のタイプによって異なります。 表示される料金は、予約可能な最低価格です。ユーザーが検索した時点で提携サイトが提供する最も安い客室タイプに基づきます。




バブル評価 5 段階中 4.3
バブル評価 5 段階中 2.1
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.3
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.1
バブル評価 5 段階中 2.7
バブル評価 5 段階中 2.7
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  • 絞り込み
Westry Lさんが口コミを投稿しました(2024年9月
バブル評価 5 段階中 1.0
very rude staff.. opening our room curtains without permission to tell us hurry to get out from our room and check out and they will charge 1000 jpy if get out pass 8am. while it was still 7.45… he was talking very rude and loud.. they even know that I checked in late the night before because my daughter was sick and so that we didint go for summit in the morning.. at 8am he came back while I have been on my way to get out and make a gesture like a shoo on me and my children and yell “ get out it’s 8 oclock!! “ in a very rude way. so I yell back at him since I can’t accept to be treated like that..
he also opened our room curtains without permissio n back at night to tell us hurry to have our dinner while we just checked in and I was still taking care of my sick daughter..
and all of the staf were brushing their teeth in front of the guest who were having breakfast.. a bit disgusting to see.
food were also very standart.
滞在時期: 2024年9月旅行タイプ:家族旅行
客室選びのポイント: much and many huts options at 8th station or highest 7th station to stay.. that I found on my way...
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.0
滞在時期: 2023年7月旅行タイプ:友人との旅行
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
バブル評価 5 段階中 5.0
滞在時期: 2022年8月旅行タイプ:友人との旅行
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
そちらに辿り着く頃には、身体が冷え切ってしまい体調が良くなかったのですが、大変親切に迎えてもらいました。説明も丁寧でしたし、夕食もカレーを運んでいただいた時、無理して食べなくてもいいですよとお声をかけて下さいました。優しいスタッフの方に癒やされました。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m 山小屋は初利用なので、比較が出来ないので星4つにさせていただきました☆
滞在時期: 2021年8月旅行タイプ:友人との旅行
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
シンガポール, シンガポール
バブル評価 5 段階中 1.0
To book a spot in one of the wooden huts on Mt Fuji on your own is a herculean task, many don't accept foreigners booking via web to begin with so those whic do have their servers crashing on the day the huts are open for booking. I had stayed up till midnight for slots to be released to no avail. Tomoekan is one of the rare ones on Station 8 which accepts web bookings and when I finally managed to load the page in late afternoon, it was fully booked on the original day I wanted to stay and had to readjust my entire itinerary around the climb.
Anyway, it rained the day I ascended and upon arrival, was "warmly welcomed" team of 6 who vigourously towel cleaned and dried my head to ankle and ended the cleaning with a thorough blow dry. Was given 2 bags to put my shoes and everything I was wearing except the most inner layer of sweater and track pants. No jackets, socks, windbreaker pants/tops allowed in the hut cus they're terribly afraid of guests dirtying the interiors. I was assigned a corner sleeping bag in a zone full of old ladies and a middle aged couple. They were nice and quiet folks who rested while I fidgeted around the tiny space. Standard dinner set I had was ok. I don't expect much on a mountain and this definitely wasn't my maiden mountain climb. BUT, I do find the place very low quality in terms of service and infrastructure as compared to some other mountains in say, Taiwan, Tibet, EBC, Europe or even Malaysia wilderness. As mentioned by a previous reviewer, the toilets were stinky, even smellier than those I used at the beginning of the trek (which were supposedly more frequented than up here on Stn 8?).
Breakfast was miserable - they were already prepared way before I even had my dinner and so the bentos were left out there from mid afternoon the day before till all guests ate them the next morning. Place became noisy when groups came in and guests were unconsiderably noisy or had loud briefings. That was also when I realised there were inconsistencies in info we received. I was told to pay 100yen per trip to the toilet, a group of Americans that had their briefing when I was lying in my sleeping bag were told toilet was available for use for free, while the Japanese trekkers were told it was 100yen per stay. The Japanese couple and I were told to collect bento breakfast before we attempt our summit at 1am and while the group was briefed that they can come back to collect theirs after their attempt.
Wee hours. Saw two trekkers being chased out though they hadn't finished their cup noodles they bought from the hut cus "it is time our guest are preparing for their ascent and they need the space". I had my fair share of "unwelcomeness" later that morning. I was rudely stopped from re-entering the hut after I came down from the summit in the wee hours because "I was dirty". I wanted to take off my rain coat, jacket etc as per what I did when I checked in, but was told that I'm totally not allowed to step in at all. Subsequently had to stand out at the doorway and engage in this frustrating 30min conversation with this non-English speaking crew to let him know my stuff were all still at my sleeping bag and there was no way I would leave Mt Fuji without collecting my belongings first. Had to use Google Translate on them and even that didn't make it easier for me. None of the crew was interested to service a guest who had left and returned from the summit, perhaps to them it was a done deal the moment a guest had stepped out of the hut. Some lazed around, two kept themselves busy sharing a task which could be completed by one. Guests who had just woken up because weren't planning to hit summit and were having their cold bento breakfast were staring at me, who was left in the lurch without my belongings. Finally one of the crew fished out my bag but everything else which were still on my sleeping bag were not brought out. I couldn't pack my bag on clean space and had to bear the stares of guests staring at me packing up in the middle of the doorway. I almost had to stop myself crying when I was having my bento breakfast in the cold. Cold stale bento on a cold morning trying to think very hard what else was on my sleeping bag was wonderful way to end the climb.
I didn't want Tomoekan to earn another cent from me after all these terrible service and went down to Fujisan Hotel which is 30seconds away from Tomoekan to buy hot water and the Fujisan staff were so much more welcoming! Not only did they usher me in without a care of my sandy shoes, I was told to sit and wait in the hut while they filled up my water bottle. I must have looked terrible because the staff offered me more water than I paid for and accompanied me for the next 200m down the mountain to ensure I was safe.
Tomoekan was such a disappointment for me, the worst mountain hut I've ever stayed in alllll my treks ever.
滞在時期: 2019年7月
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.0立地
バブル評価 5 段階中 2.0清潔感
バブル評価 5 段階中 1.0サービス
この口コミはTripadvisor LLCのものではなく、メンバー個人の主観的な意見です。 トリップアドバイザーでは、投稿された口コミの確認を行っています。
シンガポール, シンガポール投稿31評価25
Please may I have the English website for making reservation at Hon Hachigome Tomoekan. Thank you
さいたま市, 埼玉県投稿1評価7
バブル評価 5 段階中 4.0
バブル評価 5 段階中 3.0
"雑魚寝なのでよい部屋はありません。 ただ布団の場合、混んでるときは2人で1つですが寝袋なら1人1つ必ずあるのでどちらかというと寝袋の方がいいです 1階の食事する場所で寝ることになったら悲惨です。それだけは避けるようお願いしましょう。"
上記の料金は、提携サイトにより提供された、施設の規則により利用人数の異なる1室あたりの金額で、1泊あたりの宿泊料金を反映しています。また、提携サイトが了承している税金やサービス料を含みます。 詳細については、提携サイトを参照してください。



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