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ホテル椿山荘東京のhotelchinzansotokyo0さん(Director of Guest Services)がこの口コミに回答しました
Dear YayRockStar Sama,
Thank you for visiting us and for writing a very nice review about your stay. Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo is indeed different from the other 5 star hotels in the city. We are in a quiet, local residential area where you are surrounded by our garden and lots of green and a river adjourned by a long walking path. In stead of cars you can enjoy the birds singing! Mokushundo, our Japanese grill restaurant is very popular. I am happy that you tried it and enjoyed the food and ambiance. The fireflies are basically around in early summer every year for a couple of weeks. Sorry to say, but the pagodo is indeed very old, but not 1500 years old (around 700 years old). We are looking forward to your next visit and will welcome you back again in your home away from home.