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thank you for your review,and coming to KATAKURI HOUSE in term of Echigo Tsumari art triennale. we were glad to seeing you.and we are glad to hearing that your stay was satisfied.
katakuri house is located at AKIYAMAGO.akiyamago is one of japan`s 100 beautiful backcountry regions.this area is known as a tourist area of fresh green and autumn leaves. a uniuque culture and historic rural landscape remains here.
our english is not so good.but we would like to do our best for tell a guests,good information.
the food is natural food friendly body.using wild plants,mashroom,begetable..we are getting from around the katakuri house.so very tasty and fresh. we are thinking that how can we use these ingradients,can be changed a good dish.
well we are looking forward to seeing you next time.