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Sen Grand Hotel & Spaのsenhotel20さん(Giám đốc quan hệ khách hàng)がこの口コミに回答しました2019年9月27日に返信済み
Google 翻訳
Dear TakahiroO95,
Thank you for your review of your recent stay at Sen Grand Hotel & Spa
I am happy you found our services were up to your expectations
I have shared with our Chef about your breakfast review. We appreciate you sharing your concerns, and it is our hope that you will give us another chance to welcome you back to Sen Grand Hotel & Spa.
Sen Grand Hotel & Spaのsenhotel20さん(Giám đốc quan hệ khách hàng)がこの口コミに回答しました2019年7月26日に返信済み
Google 翻訳
Dear Lacmaithoi123,
Thank you very much for taking time to share your great comment to our Sen Grand Hotel & Spa!
We are delighted to know that you had a pleasant stay with us and wana want to recommend our hotel to everyone. We love our hotel and we will do our best to deliver the private service to all of our guest. We look forward to welcome you back soon.
Sen Grand Hotel & Spaのsenhotel20さん(Giám đốc quan hệ khách hàng)がこの口コミに回答しました2019年6月11日に返信済み
Google 翻訳
Dear mnghiem0110,
Thank you very much for taking time to share your great comment to our Sen Grand Hotel & Spa!
We are delighted to know that you had a pleasant stay with us and wana want to recommend our hotel to everyone. We love our hotel and we will do our best to deliver the private service to all of our guest. We look forward to welcome you back soon.