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It is regrettable that the basic amenities available does not provide the needs that suit your standards.Thank you for letting us know what you like and don't like about your stay. It is through feedback like this that we know where we can still improve.
Thank you for choosing Red Planet and we hope to welcome you back again soon.
Thank you for your feedback and for the very good rating. It is a pleasure to know that our guests had a good stay and bring home with them good memories.
Thank you for choosing Red Planet and we look forward to serve you again soon.
Thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to share it with us. We really appreciate your telling us what you like and don't like about your stay.
Again, thank you for choosing Red Planet and we hope to serve you again soon.
Thank you for your feedback and for the perfect rating. It;s great to know that you felt safe during your stay. It is always encouraging to learn that guests are satisfied with our service as it is what we strive for every day.
Thank you for choosing Red Planet and we look forward to serve you again soon.
Thank you very much for choosing Red Planet Hotel for your stay in Cebu. We are most concerned with the satisfaction of our guests and your positive feedback is of great value to us.
We look forward to have the pleasure of serving you again soon.