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A Christmas Tale: The first time you came to Margarita Beach approximately one year ago you asked us to turn off the music because you said you couldn't eat with background music. Since then on a number of occasions you have asked for the music to be turned off. Each time we have explained we would not turn the music off because we like music, the vast majority of our guests like music and we believe it as integral part of the experience at Margarita Beach. Normally we play background music, yesterday was a little different for two reasons, 1. It was Christmas and 2. It was one of Margarita Beaches owners birthday. We had enjoyed a full restaurant with guests, customers and friends enjoying a traditional Christmas lunch with plenty of laughter and cheer. We played Christmas playlists during the day. In the evening as the birthday celebrations were starting we changed to a Funky House playlist to go with the party mood. You came in late afternoon and had not been a customer for the Christmas lunch, you had as you normally do brought with you your own water and asked for two big glasses of ice which we gave you. You sat as you normally did on two of our beach loungers and your total bill came to THB185 ($5.45). You obviously didn't like the music so asked the staff to have it changed, this was declined and you then paid and before leaving approached one of the owners and said you thought we were being unreasonable and all you wanted was for us to change the Funky House playlist to softer background music. In business, owners are sometimes faced with difficult decisions, this was not one of those times. We had the choice of unfortunately upsetting a customer who in Christmas terms was acting in a slightly Scrooge like manner, or bending to your wish and upsetting over a dozen guests, customers and friends who had all spent over THB1,000 ($30) each and who were joyfully celebrating Christmas and a birthday. We thank you for your previous custom and wish you a Happy New Year